Chapter 10: Your Bite

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You follow Daryl to the front of the gates to see Rick, Michonne and Carl giving you a greasy look as Daryl leads you to one of the cars as you follow them back to Alexandria. "What's this about?" you ask Daryl sitting on the passenger side, "Rick'll explain later" you look at him but turn your head to the road as you wait to arrive.

Once you roll up to the gates you follow Daryl out into Michonne and Rick's place as Carol, Morgan, Tara and Rosita join you, you all stand around the kitchen counter. "What's all this about?" you ask a little annoyed that they dragged you all the way here.

"Sorry to bring you over here just for this but.," Rick says as he lays out a piece of paper on the counter aimed at you. It was a piece of paper that read:


It was signed with a baseball bat with barbed wire over it, sending back memories of being beaten with that thing.

You pick up the piece of a paper examining it, "It was at the gate this morning" Rick says putting his hands on his hips, you look at him and look at Daryl who is just as confused. You wait a while before saying, "I'll talk to him" "Hell Nah ya ain't" you hear Daryl say before you look at him getting angry. How dare he try to control you like that, you two weren't in a relationship but the thought of him trying to protect you did send some butterflies.

Before you don't get a chance to say anything before Rick speaks up, "What do you mean?" he asks, "I'll arrange something don't worry, I'll figure out a plan".

"No I can't ask you to do that" Rick shakes his head, "You people forget who I am, I've done far worse than have a conversation with a guy" you slam the piece of paper back down. "What would you say?' asked Morgan, "You don't need to worry about that".

"When's Daryl coming back?" you hear Carol ask, you think for a couple of seconds not wanting to hurt anyone's feelings, "I said another week, but I don't know right now with this brought to light". "Plus Rick you and your people got another day or two before its time for their test". Rick gives you a nervous nod in response.

"I'll head back and start planning" You grab the paper as you head for the door, "Daryl.." you start your sentence but pause to think as he looks over at you. You were gonna tell him he could wait here but you weren't so sure anymore " better come back too I don't know what they could be planning". He gives a nod and follows you.

This time your driving but a bit of your top was up showing your bite, you feel Daryl's eyes on you, "Ya told Rick yet?" he asks as you realise what he's referring too. You at down at you bite, then at Daryl and back at the road, "Just waiting for the right time" you say making some lame excuse. "He'll be more pissed if ya wait" you look at him before looking back on the road, "I know".

Soon enough you reach home bringing Crystal into your house to explain the situation, she seemed a bit upset at first, knowing your plan but she always had full faith in you.


You and Crystal had spent a few hours organising a plan until Daryl walking in chucking down a walkie in the middle of the table you two were working at. "Morgan dropped this off, one of Negan's men's walkie" you grab it without hesitation and listening to his different man talking. Your face lets off a big grin, your plans became a lot easier.

You, Daryl and Crystal sit around the table listening to the walkie closely. "Alright, men we heading to the neighbourhood to the north to do a sweep through" Hearing Negan's voice sent shivers down your spine, you hated this man. Knowing this information was all you needed, you knew where he was talking about so you grabbed the walkie and the paper with his threat and when heading out the door you grabbed your knife and put in your holster.

Daryl and Crystal followed you as you walked outside, "Kat! You're in charge while Crystal and Daryl come with me, Luke! you come to for extra backup." These people didn't question you, everything was clear and straight to the point and everyone did as they asked.

Daryl, Crystal and Luke followed you to the car as you drove with Daryl sitting next to you. "How ya do that?" Daryl asks as you look over, "what?" you ask with a smile. "Think of that plan that quick? Take orders so easily?". You look in the rear view mirror at Crystal and Luke as they're trying not to laugh as much as you. You look at Daryl trying to hold back a smile, "Just you wait" you say with a grin looking back on the road.

1:45 pm

Soon enough you reach the abandoned street of houses, you park a bit away and head towards behind one of the houses but not before telling everyone to wait in the car.

"Screw that ya ain't going alone!" Daryl raises his voice at you as you get out of the car and talk to him with the door open as he stays in the car.

"Listen, you're just here for backup, you have no idea what I'm capable off" you slam the car door aggressively as you see Daryl about the follow you but Crystal's hand reaches forward bringing Daryl back to the seat.

You get to the houses as you look through windows to see through the other end of the house. You see Negan walking through the streets with Lucile on his shoulder. You make your way through the back door of a house you see Negan walking into, you put the piece of paper with Negan's threat on a table in the house while you move into the shadows.

Negan walks in while he looks at the paper, "The fuck?" he mumbles.

"What you scared?" Negan flings himself around to see you sitting on a kitchen counter. "Woah!! you scared me little darlin'" he laughs with a grin as you roll your eyes.

"Holy shit, what the fuck are you doing here?" You jump off the counter as you get close to him, "You're gonna leave Alexandria alone" he chuckles, "Hows Daryl? ya know he escapes too a while ago, Dwight says he saw ya too. What about that bite huh?" You cut him off having enough of his shit.

"Save it, you're gonna leave Alexandria alone got it?" "What you with them now?" he asks with a smile. "Even if I was that wouldn't change anything, get over it and go terrorise some other community." He looks at you for a couple of seconds before giving a huff, "you know I couldn't do that..."

You couldn't be stuffed with the negotiation, you wouldn't him to learn his lesson for the time being. By this time you're already close to him so you grab your knife from your holster and stab it into Negan's thigh leaving it in as his body slowly falls. Once he reaches the floor you give him one punch to the face for your own pleasure.

You grab Negan's threat on the paper and scrunch it up in front of his face before throwing it away and walking out the back door.

You make your way back into the car not saying anything, "Wheres your knife?" Daryl asks you stare at him while you put on your seat belt before looking at the road and start the car. You see Crystal reach forward touching Daryl's shoulder slowly shaking her head, indicating to never ask you what you do when you go to 'negotiate'.

After a while, you hear Crystal, "April, your bite" she says letting you know it was showing again, you quickly move your top down and putting your hand back on the wheel. "How come ya told me in the cell but won't really tell anyone else?" Daryl asks, "Figured we were gonna spend some time together you were gonna find out eventually." You answer keeping your eyes on the road.

"How'd ya get that bite anyway, you're such a good fighter?... don't make sense," you look in the rear view mirror to look at Crystal and she moves uncomfortably and looks out the window, she was the only one who knew. You look a Daryl and shake your head remembering Luke was in the car.

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