Part 10

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    I looked back into the mirror. So much has happened in the past two weeks. My features were the same as those of a girl who had disappeared into the woods. I guess that I am still the same as I was back then but with a few minor differences.
    My hair has grown a little farther down my back. My skin has lost its light tan. I would have once been bothered by its lighter shade but it doesn't bother me much now.
    My finger wound has healed and it's red color had faded. Slendy has sewed the little glass spike onto the remaining bit of my finger.
    I have learned that the spike has some overcomplicated, pressure activated, sciencey stuff going on in it that I can't explain, but basically I just need to apply pressure to the tip and BAM! Whoever's unlucky enough to be my victim is paralyzed and then slowly killed by the poison.
    I've made my hesitation to kill clear to Toby. He's such a good friend so he looked for a poison that could cause pain, because why not the person's dying anyway, but that could also do the killing for me. All I need to do is inflict as much as a scratch on the skin and the "job" is done.
    I don't think I'll ever get used to the killing. Even if I do, I'll never enjoy it as much as the others. And I made a promise to myself when I came here that this life wouldn't turn me into a jerk like some of the others, loosely talking about Jeff. I also promised myself that I wouldn't be annoying to the point that I have no friends, now I'm totally talking about Jeff. I promise that I will never lose myself.


Random Persons POV:

The air was cold and crisp. It was good to be home after a few weeks. I had been thinking about coming home for a few months. It doesn't matter why I came home. I just was.
    Then I heard a soft sound. It sounded like someone humming, but I couldn't hear the words. The humming got louder and louder until it seemed like the sound was right being me. I turned around but no one was there. No one was even near me. The dark alley gave a haunting echo to what I assumed was a normal voice. The song floated around me. It sounded like a lullaby. I could here the words now.
               "Sheep, sheep, sheep,
It's time for sleep,
Rest your head it's time for bed,
In the morning you'll awake,
Or in the morning you'll be dead!"
    The singing was sweet and innocent if you ignored the lyrics but I couldn't ignore the lyrics. I hugged my jacket closer and walked faster. I heard a little laugh and turned to look for the owner of the voice.
    I whipped my head back around and I was face to face with a girl that looked like she 18 or 19. Her hair was long and ended around her lower back. She was extremely pale, the shade of death. She wore an insane and her eyes matched the insanity in her smile. She wore a dark blue hoodie and black skinny jeans. She looked unbelievably anxious.
    "W-who are you?" I barely stuttered under my fear filled breath. She brought her hand up to her face. The top of her middle finger was replaced with sharp and finely smoothed glass. A green fluid swished inside the glass structure. The rest of her nails were also replaced with smoothed and flattened glass spikes. She laughed and that laugh could give chills to anyone.
    "It's been so long since I've had a decent victim." She continued humming and then stared off into the distance. She turned her head sharply back to me.
    "Boo!" I turned around to run only to be met with an ugly, deformed face. One side of the mans face was covered in stitches. The entirety of his face was covered with scars and burns. He wore all black and held a knife above his head (another original character).
    I felt a dart in the back of my neck. I turned to the girl with the glass fingernails. One of her nails was covered with blood. She grinned. I felt the knife in my back and then nothing.

(A/N: The random person is dead by the way. If you didn't catch on. I am really excited for the next few chapters. You probably have no idea what's happening right now, but do not fear. An explanation is coming.)

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