Part 8

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    A scream was on the tip of my tongue from the pain I had experienced the night before. I couldn't hold it back as my consciousness returned.The pain in my head had disappeared but my hand still hurt. I glanced down at my hand. It was  tightly bandaged but dried blood still formed a pool on my chest where my hand had been resting.
    Slendy and Toby were the first ones through the door. E. J, Sally, and Masky followed close behind.
    "You're alive!! I thought you were dead for a moment on the way back home!!" Toby rejoiced at what he considered my rising from the dead and came in for a tight hug. Too tight of a hug. "You were so close to finishing that bastard off!! I swear you were."
He ignored my groan of pain and continued to hug me for an awkward amount of time. He finally let me go when E. J noticed my lack of constant breathing and told Toby that I might die if he kept hugging me.
    I stared down at my hand curiously once I got my breath back.
It should be healed by now.
    Slendy gave me the answer I was secretly pleading for.
I'll take the bandages off tomorrow morning.
    "Good. I'm gonna have one hell of a scar won't I!?" I grinned and Toby grinned back. I'm sure Slender would smile too if he had a face... or a sense of humor.
    I started to think about what Slendy would look like if he could/would smile. I chuckled to myself and soon enough I was laughing like a maniac.
One thought led to another and I was thinking about a prank Masky had once told me about. He had drawn a smiley face on Slender's face. He had cared to reenact Slender's reaction to the prank when he explained it to me. I thought of Masky's over dramatic facial expressions and his impersonation of Slendy chasing the culprits around the cabin.
Just to be clear laughing like a maniac was not a new thing for me. In fact I was known for my random laugh attacks at school.
I started to cry and gasp for breath but I kept laughing. Everyone in the room just stared at me with blank and worried faces. Toby turned to Slendy with a genuinely concerned expression. Slendy shrugged and turned to leave the room.
    Toby was the only one who stayed. He was still extremely concerned about the fact that his hug had made me "come close to deaths door" for the second time in 48 hours.
    He tried to stay awake but soon he was passed out in the chair next to my bed. Exactly how I met him. Who would've known that that moment a week ago would start an epic friendship.
I clapped softly in front of his face a few times to make sure he was asleep. I turned on the old bedside lamp and started to undo the bandages on my hand. The last bit of cloth fell to the floor and I was a bit shocked at what I saw.
There was a sizable bite mark on it and indents of teeth were to be seen on the sides of it. That wasn't the shocking part though. The tip of my finger was grossly blackened.
Frick!! It's infected!! I have to tell Slendy!! It's too late right now but first thing in the morning!
I turned the lamp off and laid in the darkness until finally I was able to rest, but I can say that the peace only lasted for an hour or so.
I woke up with excruciating pain in my hand. I rolled over onto my side in an attempt to relieve some of the pain in my hand but it only made it worse. I searched for the lamp with my good hand but when I finally found it the lamp crashed to the floor. The crash awoke Toby in a flash.
He ran to turn on the main room lights to see what had happened. As soon as he spotted my hand he shrieked a bit.
"What happened to your finger!? It's all black!" He rushed over to me. He was right. The entire upper half of my middle finger was black and infected.
"It's infected. Go get Slendy right now." I winced as I tried to move my hand.
"It's the middle of the night. He'll kill me!" I would understand his hesitation under any other circumstance but not today!
"Toby!! Unless you haven't noticed my finger is infected and it's spreading quickly. I don't care if Slender misses out on his beauty sleep. He's the only one who can help me right now!! Get him this instant before I do it for you!!" I took a deep breath. He dashed down the stairs while screaming at the top of his lungs, "SLENDY!!! POISON'S FINGER IS INFECTED AND I THINK IT MIGHT FALL OFF!!! HEEELP!!!" I didn't mean for him to wake the entire house. Oh well too late.
Slendy didn't even bother to punish Toby because he knew that his worried craze was caused by undeniable truth. The look on Slender's face gave me the confirmation I needed. I would lose my finger or I would lose my finger and my hand. The choice was simple.
"Cut it off." Everyone looked up at me. "You're all thinking it. You all know it."
That won't be neces-
"Yes it is!! I don't want to lose my hand. Cut it off!!" I managed to get through my request before the tears started to flow.

Disappearances Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora