Part 9

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I am going to spare you the gruesome details. All I need to say is that in a house full of psychos that are probably injured half of the time there isn't one who's smart enough keep some numbing medicine. The best that Slendy could do to numb the pain was ice water.
He had filled the bucket with ice and water. He dunked my hand in and waited for a while until I couldn't feel my hand. Then the cutting started. It was a long process. I'm quite embarrassed to say that I fainted half way through from the procedure.
I woke up screaming yet again. This time I was in a room full of friends, oh and Jeff and Ben were there too.
My hand was bandaged and the drowsy pain still existed there. Slendy assured me that the wound wouldn't get infected again. That wasn't my worry though. Thoughts started to run wild in my head.
How long will it take to heal?
How will you hold a knife?
How will you protect yourself?
You need a replacement!
You know you can't go the rest of your life without flipping Ben off with both hands.
I stared up at Slendy with watering eyes. He cleared out the room. He knew me well enough to know that I hated for people to see me cry.
Tell me the truth.
I stared up at Slendy again and couldn't hide my pain. I started to sob and desperately grabbed at my hand.
"It hurts! It hurts so much! Why does it hurt so much!?" I started to tear at the bandages. I clawed at them. I managed to get the layers off even as Slendy tried to grab my hands and stop me.
I stared down at it. It was awful. The half of my middle finger that had been infected was gone. I d dare say that the cut was clean. The flesh was slanted and disgusting. Thick, black cord barely held the top together. Blood spilled down my hand and wrist.
Slendy allowed me the moment I needed to get myself together. I grabbed the bandages again and tried to clean up the blood. I really tried but the pain made it hard to do anything.
Soon enough my hand was re bandaged and the blood soaked sheets were replaced. The next few days I stayed inside with much joy. I didn't leave my room. In fact, I didn't leave the bed. Slendy had an easy time dealing with the others because Toby, the main trouble maker, was constantly volunteering his company even though I never asked for it.
Then one day Slendy's job of of keeping me inside became a lot harder. I wanted to leave the house. I believed it was time, but Slendy disagreed. He told me to stay inside. It had been a week since I lost the finger and I was bored to death. I attempted to leave the room many times. Once I even got down the hall before Slendy turned me back.
I have never hated any of my plain rooms through the years but this one that I had only inhabited for 2 weeks felt old and tired already. Slendy was quite distraught when I managed to open the window and climb down.
The breeze felt so good. A sharp branch snagged my arm. It left a bit of a scratch but I now appreciate any pain that isn't my hand. I made as far as the trail before I stopped. Only for a moment and then I was on my way into town.
Why am I here? What am I doing?
Who cares!? We're outside of the cabin!?
I have never been more thankful for the voices in my head. The voices that tell me to keep going.
I realized I wasn't going home but going to a memory. Memories of my old bedroom window. Memories of my father. Memories of my mother, of my brother. Memories of school. Memories of everything. Memories of the small things the bothered me and the things that made me happy.
Then I stared down at my hand. The bandages had been left on the trail a while ago. The deformed nub of skin was scarred and ugly.
I guess I have to deal with this forever.
"Forever." I said it so quietly rather I barely expected someone to answer me.
"Already thinking of forever are we?" I smiled at the familiar voice.
"Hey Toby!"
"What are you doing here?" He stared at the giant brick house.
"Remembering. Did you ever go back home after you went with Slender? Did you ever wonder about your family?" I realized that I knew nothing about the my only true friend.
"I only wondered about one of them." He paused to look at me. He was almost checking if it was ok to tell me the things he didn't tell others. "My sister."
"What happened to her?"
"She died in a car crash. I was in the car with her but I was fine. I mean, I couldn't feel the pain of my injuries. As for the rest of my family, no I never thought about them after I killed them, my mom not included. I never thought about my home after I burned it down. I didn't have any other connections to the world so no, I never thought about the world after I left it behind. My past is just a whole lot of before Slender saved me." He trusted me enough to tell me that. I smiled and patted him on the back.
"I hope that some day I can look back on all of the bad and just think of it like you do. I guess the missing finger will just be a reminder of what happens when I hesitate." He nodded and laughed a bit at the last part.
"I just wish it wasn't so ugly." I held my hand arms length away from us as to get a better look at it.
Toby pulled off his gloves and held his hands out. They were scarred even more than mine. He smiled and stared back at me. The skin around his fingers looked as if the flesh had been chewed off. They were much older scars than mine but I could still notice similar looking bite marks. In fact they looked quite like my healing wound.
"We all have scars. Not all of us can be fixed though. And not all of our scars will look as badass as yours." With that he pulled out a small cone of glass from his pocket. It was filed with a greenish liquid and the bottom was opened just a tiny bit. He slid the cap on the nub of my finger.
"See! Badass!!" He grinned at me while I was still confused. He was smiling when I looked up at him. I was utterly confused.
"It's really tough glass so no worries about it breaking. It's pointy and can be used as a weapon. There's really deadly poison inside of it. Get it? Poison, poison. You're name is poison, it's poison. Whatever! I thought you would like it."
"Ooooh!! Now I get it! Thank you for this and being my friend!!"
"You're welcome!!" He hugged me and then we walked back to the cabin in giddy silence.

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