Once Bitten and Twice Shy

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I sat there shocked. I was thrilled that Greyson was my mate, but horrified that Bastien was. I guess deep down I had been hoping that Bastien wasn't my mate. What must that say about me if my mate was such a monster? "Is there anything we can do? To get rid of the bond between me and Bastien?".

"As far as I know the only way is to kill Bastien, but there is more to this," Greyson said sadly. "If we don't break the bond then the world could descend into another dark age," Greyson said slowly.

"What that doesn't make sense?" I said confused.

"I guess this has happened before and each time one of the two mates is evil and if you choose the evil mate then the world is plunged into another dark age" Greyson wrapped his arms around me as I started to shake.

"But I didn't choose Bastien. I didn't choose any of this" I said starting to tear up again.

"Unfortunately I don't think it works that way" Greyson patted my back.

"Well then let's kill Bastien," I said steelily "I don't want to be the reason that the world gets plunged into another dark age. Even though that doesn't make sense I don't want to take the chance that I might be the downfall of humanity".

"That brings me to another little hiccup" Greyson ran a hand through his hair "If I kill Bastien severing the bond it could kill you too".

"That's a risk I'm willing to take," I said firmly. I wasn't going to stay tethered to a monster. My life wasn't worth risking every the future of humanity.

"I can't let you do that" Greyson said horrified.

I sighed exhausted "Ok. Can you explain why killing Bastien would kill me?". If I knew why this might happen then maybe we could find a way to stop it.

"When a true mate marks his mate it bonds their souls together. To kill one breaks the bond ripping the souls apart. It's the shock at the loss of the bond that can kill the surviving bond-mate" Greyson said sadly.

"What if you claimed me," I asked shyly after a moment. I looked at him nervously through my lashes. He was looking at me curiously.

After what felt like a lifetime Greyson smiled "I think that could work". He picked me up spinning and we both laughed joyously as he set me back down on the bench. I breathed out a sigh of relief glad to see how truly happy Greyson looked.

"So do we just?" I asked unsure of what to say I tilted my head leaving the other side of my neck exposed for him. I didn't know what this would be like to do this voluntarily.

Greyson shook his head sadly "No we're not going to do this here. This is supposed to be a special and sacred moment not just something carelessly done in a backyard". I ducked my head ashamed remembering how Bastien had marked me. The pain and the fear that I had felt followed by unwanted pleasure. "Hey," Greyson said noticing my embarrassment "What Bastien did to you was not your fault and no one should blame you for it. I just want tonight to be special for you. You've been through so much and deserve to have a nice night".

I grinned widely. "Are you asking me out on a date" I waggled my eyebrows teasing him.

"Why yes I am Miss Baudin" He chuckled kissing me on the cheek. I'll pick you up at five O'clock tonight" he kissed my cheek before running off.

I laughed heading back inside. I looked at the time to see that it was three o'clock in the morning. Heading upstairs I collapsed into the first truly peaceful sleep I had had in awhile.

When I woke up I saw Olivia and Ava hovering over my bed. I screamed in shock and they squealed excitedly. "Good you're awake," Olivia said tugging me out of bed "We have so much to do".

Ava swatted Olivia "I think what she meant to say was that we're so glad that you're back home and safe".

I laughed so happy to see my friends again. "Yes, of course, we're glad that you're back, but rumor has it Greyson is going to mark you tonight".

"Oh yeah he is he's my mate" I shrugged self consciously. As much as I loved Olivia and Ava I knew that this would lead to questions about Bastien that I didn't want to answer right now.

"Well I'm going to make sure that you look amazing," Olivia said firmly dragging me into my closet. She pulled out a bunch of formal dresses that we had originally gotten when I was going to have to choose a mate. It felt weird thinking back to that time. I was a different person then. Olivia finally settled on a short grey cocktail dress with silver embroidered flowers on it and a loose tulle skirt. It was incredibly beautiful and delicate, but I felt odd about dressing up after everything that had happened. I guess if this was what Greyson wanted I would do it.

I let Olivia put my hair into a loose artfully messy bun and silver strappy shoes. I felt a little bit like a modern Cinderella. Finally, Olivia was done with my makeup and it was almost five o'clock. "There you're done," Ada said happily "Now go get your man and be sure to tell us all about it later".

Greyson was waiting for me downstairs. His face lit up when he saw me coming downstairs. He was dressed in a suit and a jewelry box in his hand. He opened it up to reveal a beautiful diamond necklace. "I thought this would be a nice gift since we're going to be starting our lives together," he said placing the necklace around my neck. And with that, we left on our first date.


Authors Note: Hey Guys hope you all enjoyed the chapter! As always please comment and vote! Shout outs to @ilovekpop5000 @tuesdayo and @MelissaMayer6 :) For your chance at a shout out comment and vote :)

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