"Back the fuck off Chris." Lauren didn't break her eye contact with Jackson, who physically squirms under her gaze.

"I- I was just fooling around, I didn't know she was your girl, I'll back off Lauren, dude, I'm sorry. C'mon now, we're all friends..."

"I don't fucking care if she's my girl or not or someone else's. You don't fucking touch a girl's body unless she allows you to. And her ass seriously? I can report you to the fucking principal and have you suspended." Lauren didn't want this to happen but she couldn't control her arm and moved to punch him. However, as she moved her arm backwards and Jackson closed his eyes, her elbow accidentally hit a hard surface instead.

"Camila!" Lauren shouted as Camila held her forehead in pain.

"Shit, shit, shit." Lauren whispered as she saw the bump on Camila's forehead.

"I'm okay.."

"What were you thinking...?" Lauren managed as she settled on the floor and sitting Camila down on her lap. The whole cafeteria was practically getting a free show. Dinah wanted to go look after her best friend but she was too busy handling her Camren heart.

"I wanted to stop you. I guess I did." Camila let out a soft giggle as she clutched her pounding head.

"Stop it.. it's gonna hurt more." Lauren said softly, rubbing it slowly. Camila closed her eyes to enjoy the feeling of Lauren's skin moving on her forehead. It makes her feel calm for some odd reason.

"Kiss it better?" Camila whispered but Lauren heard it. Her heart literally stopped. She leaned down and put her lips on it gently.

"I ship it so bad." Dinah's voice boomed around the silent cafeteria, earning looks and laughter from all around.

"C'mon Cabello." Lauren said, standing up and letting her hands out to help the younger girl. Camila held Lauren's hand, in order to make sure she wasn't going to try anything else stupid. She lead Lauren towards their table's direction but Lauren stood her ground and glared at Jackson. The scared boy quickly rushed on his feet and walked towards Camila, who got scared and backed on towards Lauren's front. Lauren's arms protectively flew around her waist and her head laid on top of Camila's.

"I just- I'm sorry. I just thought you were pretty and your um, body is nice so yeah-"

"Still not an excuse Wayne. If I ever hear about any of you-" Lauren pointed her fingers towards the jocks "-touching a girl without any consent, I will fucking chop your balls off." Lauren continued and then she made the first move of holding Camila's hands and walked back towards their table.

"Nice." Normani commented as Lauren sat beside her. Camila sat across her and Ally moved to look at the bruise.

"I'm sorry Cabello..."

"You didn't know I was behind you..."

"No, I mean for this morning. I should've told them all to fuck off." Lauren's eyes were filled with guilt and Camila couldn't help but feel bad for sort of storming off this morning.

"Lauren I'm not mad at you." Camila reached out her hand to hold Lauren's palm that was laying on the table.

"You're not?" The shock was visible on Lauren's face, Camila clearly acted like she was this morning.

"I'm not. I just didn't like the attention whenever I'm around you." Camila spoke truthfully and Lauren frowned at this. How was she going to win her over if she doesn't even like being seen with her?

"I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing Lauren, it's not your fault. Thank you, in fact, for standing up for me." Camila said and gave her a sincere smile just to re-assure Lauren one last time

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