The whole school stared more than yesterday as Camila stepped out of her car.

"Damn Lauren! You finally got Cabello! Nice!" A jock shouted as he walked with his friends from the parking lot. Chris was beside them and smirked when he saw his sister with Camila. Of course Camila couldn't resist the Jauregui charm, just like every other girls in school.

"Aye mami, look at that ass." Another one whistled as Camila looked down to lower the skirt she was wearing.

Lauren rolled her eyes as she tried to ignore them but when she heard Camila mumble a 'thanks for the ride' to her as she avoided eye contact, Lauren knew they fucked up her plan of winning her heart. Camila rushed inside without another look and she wanted to go after her, but she didn't want to seem desperate.

"Fucking idiots.." Lauren muttered as she locked her car and went inside the school. She walked towards her locker and stuffed her things inside.

"Camila!" Her best friend shouted from behind. Lauren watched as Normani approached the tiny girl. Lauren followed her and stood beside her.

"Did you bring some shoes with you?"

"Yeah, and a jersey and a clean shirt."

"Cool, alright, we don't have your jersey ready yet, you'll get it next week but if you ever need some sports related outfit, just ask me or Lauren alright?" Normani gave her a sweet smile which Camila reciprocated. She then saw Lauren and fidgeted uncomfortably until she finally excused herself. Normani eyed Lauren weirdly.



"What the fuck did you do?"

"I drove her here and when she stepped down a bunch of assholes cat called her basically." Lauren explained and Normani raised her eyebrow, expecting for Lauren to continue.

"Um, that's it."

"You didn't kick anyone's ass?" Normani asked in disbelief.

"I was stunned and she rushed inside!" Lauren argued.

"Well... it's nothing you can't fix, you better apologize." Normani told as she left Lauren standing up in confusion.

"I didn't do shit!"

"Exactly! Now apologize for not doing shit!"


"Uh- Hey Camila- Can I- um, I mean of course I can. May-"

"Fuck's sake Lauren, Hey guys, can we sit here?" Normani cut Lauren's stuttering as Lauren looked down to the floor. What was happening to her? She was always the cocky, confident one.

"Yeah sure." Dinah answered, wanting Lauren to fix this as much as the two of them wanted to. When Camila told her what happened, Dinah was more surprised than angered that Lauren didn't stand up for her. Those little boys were terrified of Lauren, she had so much power in the school.

"You know Lauren... Jackson Wayne touched Camila's ass this morning." Ally muttered and Camila hit her arm. She promised not to tell Lauren.

Normani froze as she sat beside Dinah. Lauren on the other hand, dropped her tray as she stared at Camila.

"Is this true?"

"No- I mean yes but-" Lauren didn't let her finish her sentence as she basically ran towards the table she usually sat in.

"Did you fucking lay your dirty hands on Camila's body?" Lauren growled as she held on Jackson's collar.

"Lauren.. what the fuck are you doing?" Chris warned as he stood up.

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