"Yes Jimin, definitely all thanks to you I could've never done this without you, god am I glad I have you as a best friend." He said with an emotionless, flat tone.

Jimin jumped on his friend, straddling him and smiling happily.

"I knew you'd forgive me!"

Taehyung rolled his eyes but laughed it off as he hugged back his friend.

"Guys did you want to come with u-"

Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon and Jin walked in, stopping when they saw Jimin on top of Taehyung, straddling him and Taehyung hugging him tightly.

"Aaand someone's already cheating on me, great."

Jimin immediately jumped off of Taehyung, turning around to see Yoongi frowning with his arms crossed.

"Yoongi hyung! It's not what it looks like, baby you know Tae's my best friend." Jimin grabbed the older male's arm before he could turn away, hugging him tightly.

"You know I only love you, right baby?" Jimin spoke as he looked at Yoongi, leaning in to give a quick peck.

"Don't think like that okay, you're my babyboy, only mine. Understand?" Jimin hugged him tightly.


"Yes what?"

"I'm not going to say it here!" Yoongi said slapping his chest.

Jimin chuckled cutely at the other male as he pulled him in for a short, sweet kiss.

"I don't want to ruin the moment lovebirds, but I'm hungry so can we now please go get food?" Jin spoke as he pulled Namjoon with him.

"I heard the word food, I'm in!" Taehyung chirped as he jumped off the bed excitedly and followed the others.

As everyone walked out of the dormitories, Hoseok suddenly realized something.

"Wait, so you guys were dating after all, I knew it!" He claimed excitedly as he strolled over towards Namjoon and held out his hand.

Namjoon sighed as he rolled his eyes, grabbing his wallet and pulling out 20 bucks. Hoseok taking it happily as he grinned at him.

"You guys bet on our relationship status?" Jimin asked astonished.

"Yupp, and I lost damn it." Namjoon said upset about his wallet now being nearly empty.

They all laughed while making their way to a nearby restaurant, while Taehyung was trailing behind, texting a certain male if they could meet up.

Me: Hey, I met u today at the halls and I wanted to discuss the driving lessons that I'll be glad to take

[Seen 4.58 PM]

Unknown: Yeah that'd be great, what's ur name btw?

Me: Kim Taehyung, yours?

Unknown: Jeon Jungkook, cute name btw ;)

Me: Thanks, I like ur name too

Jungkook: Let's meet up tomorrow at 6 outside at the park near the campus, does that fit ur schedule?

Me: Yeah sure, see u then

[Seen 5.02 PM]

"GUYS! GUESS WHO HAS A DATE!" Taehyung screamed at his friends who were way ahead of him, making them stop their steps and turn their heads.

"Go get some dick Taehyung!" Yoongi shouted back encouragingly, earning a slap from Jin whom was rolling his eyes at the further remarks of the others.

"Ma boy finally getting some, good for you!" Namjoon shouted back, his fist in the air.

"Namjoon, shut the fuck up right now or you know what I can do."

And with that, Namjoon shut up instantly and continued walking with the rest of the group, Taehyung catching up to them as well. They ended up eating at a Chinese place and Yoongi ate so much Peking duck he fell asleep and Jimin had to carry him back to the dorms.

"That was so worth it." Jimin said as he finally laid on his bed, tired of carrying Yoongi and now stroking his full stomach.

The rest agreed and left to go to their own dorms, leaving Taehyung and Jimin alone, as the two shared a dorm together. As the two males lay down next to each other, Taehyung let out a sigh as he questioned his best friend.

"Do you think it's weird if I hit on him already tomorrow?"

Jimin looked at him for a second, shaking his head with a smile afterwards.

"No man, just go for it. Maybe he's not even gay, but just like earlier, if you don't try you'll never know."

Taehyung nodded as his words as he got in a comfortable position to sleep in.

"Goodnight Jimin."

"Night Tae."

Silence took over them as both slowly fell into a slumber, but before they could enjoy their sleep Jimin spoke some necessary last words.

"Make sure to tell me if he was big."

"Jimin!" Taehyung turned around scolding him as he slapped him playfully.

"What? I'm curious."

Taehyung smirked before turning around.

"I can tell it's already bigger than yours."

And so the two males continued bickering for about two hours, before cuddling close to each other, sleep taking over them.

A/N: Y'all I'm walking around like I just got 5 dicks up my ass, but in actuality my body is sore from dance practice. Someone pray for me pls I'VE NEVER EXPERIENCED IT THIS BAD WTF

Gonna do that really annoying thing authors do and ask for votes before releasing a new chapter bc I barely get any votes :)

45 votes for the next chapter?

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