Chapter #9

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《Oky oky! I'm wake!》
《You better be young lady!》

Jack would made a fine.. fine mom
He has the perfect annoy_ability

As I wake toward the bathroom, the calendar that hinges on the wall captured my attention, I take step back to see the date. Thursday 23rd of April
Exactly, two days away.

The 25th of April... , the day that I was born. What a sad day.

why wouldn't be ? Since I was the reason for my mom's death!

As I stand in the shower I let the water wash way my sadness and any unwanted tears.
she wasn't supposed to give birth, they told her that her body is too weak and even if she'd survived giving birth her heart will be too weak and she won't live long. Knowing all this she refused to do abortion , no one could convince her,  not my dad or even her's!
Yeah! I have grandfather, a grandfather who with the death of his daughter abandoned his orphan granddaughter , he cut all the relation between us. basically, in his eyes I'm dead along with my mom.

After my miserable flashback , Jack and I went out for breakfast at Starbucks, our place since we first met.
《They say love is an abstract thing, well I answered to that by bullshÏt. they just didn't get the right warm ass coffee》 Jack chuckles at my words  and take another sip of his coffee 《some of us prefer human more》he responds smiling《says the boy who has no girlfriend》《just because I don't have girlfriend doesn't mean I hate humans! I'm just one girl person, The right girl person...and I'm waiting patiently for her》 I was going to laugh at his words but when I looked at him I couldn't, his face is full with seriousness and sincere! no sign for the funny Jack.  who ever she might be, she is lucky to have him, he's everything a man should be and I'm so damn lucky to know him... But I ain't telling him that!《well... she's miserable and lucky as fuçk to have you》he smirk standing up《let's hope she only pay attention to the second part. now move or we'll be late》

a fine ass mom

《Hello little handsome, what's your name》it's been a long day at work, I had to attend to two surgery operation and each Lasted for 2 and half hours, we did our daily check up on the patients, and now finally I'm with my last cute little patient, he's super adorable with big blue eyes 《my name is Nathaniel, but you can call me Nate. And I'm not little I'm big enough to go on date. right mom?》he lift his little chin up questing his mom and seeking her support , she smiled nodding her head to him and he returned his look at me with missing some teeth big ass smile 《you see? Told you so》《lucky you!》《what about you?》《am I old enough to dating? 》《of course not silly, I know you're big enough to date for quite some time, I meant are you available for dating》《well are you asking?》 《I am , I know I'm not tall but I'm growing! I drink a lot of milk with no time I'll be the tallest man you've ever seen》I bet to different, frankly is hard to defeat, agh! Why am I even think about that arrogant jërk! 《well how about after we finish we'll go to have sandwich together and we'll see if this could works out》 《deal》《deal》
we shake hands

《Batman is the greatest superhero in the world!》 《Couldn't agree more 》 I've never thought I'd actually enjoy a date with a 8 years old boy ! He's really smart and funny not to forget his beautiful eyes!
....I sound like pedophilia!..I Seriously need to start dating! "to late for that " aaand thanks to my dear dad and to the idiot Franky I've already skip that part, marriage without even going on a date!
a dream come true.
《I really enjoyed this date Nate, and I'm most certain that you'd make fine superhero》 《thank you liz , please just wait for me to grow and I'll be your batman》 this is the sweetest thing that anyone ever said to me and it was from 8 years old boy.. Ahhh! No! Nope! pedophilia stop it!《a Batman! That's definitely worth waiting for, now I get to go , take care of your health and thanks for the best date》 《I'll come visit 》 he shout out as I walk away 《and I'll be waiting》 weaving him goodbye
I walk to the resting room so I can change and prepare myself for the stupid thing that I'm about to do.
I can't believe that I am actually going to a fit out for my wedding dress!!!

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