chapter #7

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Do you know the feeling that you have when you're about to jump from the highest building?!
Well, that's what I'm feeling right now
《Come again!!!》 He's got to be fućking with me! 《like you've heard, I assure you this is for the best. for both of us, since my old man is not changing his mind anytime soon so how about we make this as a business deal we both benefit from it I get to live my life without any further interference form him and you got to have your house, Plus you get the opportunity of being named a wife of mine》 he said grinning as if he just give me the stars! 《yeeep not gonna happen, I'm not marring some egoistic pervert like you ! Plus The deal is off cause as you see I'm not living in the house, which means Simon don't own me anything》 he busted out laughing as if I just said the most funniest thing in the world 《you really don't know what you put yourself into, do you?》 he said between a laughter and continue 《you can't break a deal with Simon ma chère, when you shake hand with Montoya you're shaking a hand with the devil there's no mercy no going back.. nothing. unless you want to die and everyone you love to die in front of your eyes, you do exactly what he order you to》he finished smiling but the smile never reach his eyes, his eyes were filled with something dark anger fear..pain?!what are you hiding Damon? 《 there must be a way out of this madness! He can't control people's lives he's not God!》 《 chérie, the last thing you want to see is Simon angry believe me when I told you there's nothing more devilish than that 》 《but how you make deal without the reason for the deal? my reason was the house and the house is still not mine so how is that even possible!?》《baby the house is yours, you are his rightful owner that's what's written on your house register, you just need to kick that cockroach out of it plus you don't need that house anyway since you're going to be living in this one with me》《I'm gonna what!》 Can this day get any better!《Elizabeth, let's not argue about what's inevitable》 rubbing he's Temple with slice of annoyance on his face , he put the paperwork in front of me 《 read them carefully and if you don't like any of the boundary tell me we'll discuss and come up with an agreement for it and if you have any other rules ,ideas or anything you are allowed to edd them and we will talk about it later ,now I believe you want to go . and so do I, there's somewhere I need to go to》he stand up and go to what I guess is his locker room leaving me speechless.
I lift the first paper and start reading

marriage agreement
This agreement which signed by both clients Miss Elizabeth rose McCartney and Mister Damon Nickolas Montoya..

"for fuck sake how did he know my middle name?... that lucky son of a bïtch definitely have beautiful middle name  "
《when is your shift over》he enter the room wearing dark maroon suit, damn isn't he looking sexy! I clear my throat not gonna embarrass myself any further 《about 22:15》《oky, I'll pick you up by 22:25》I stand up hold the papers in my hand and headed to the door《 hurry up I already wasted a lot of time》

《Jack please for the thousand times stop being ridiculous! I woke up early and I felt like walking that's it》 《okay but at least the next time leave me a note, I was worry about you》《I'm sorry, I won't worry you again,promise》since I arrived to the hospital I've been interrogated by Jack he thought that my father had done something to me, something about kidnapping me! and being abused or whatever I wasn't really listening to his blah bling all what was running on my mind was the stupid contract that Damon have given me , I hadn't finish it yet but so far nothing on it that didn't service my benefit, but still I can't stand the idea of me living with that Avatar!
《I forgive you and to prove it I'll let do me check up》《that's not gonna happen, Jack I'm really not in the mood》《c'mon! Liz I ne..》before he could finish his word we heard the sound of emergency

""Code gray,code gray,fourth floor the women's care section,code gray""

We were on the fourth floor just the opposite side just as I turn my head to look at where the problem is I felt something holding my wrist and I don't have to look back to know that this was Jack's arms
《Liz, let the security handle this》 《we can't leave! They need help! Our help》《not yours, not after what happened in the last code gray!》

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