Unexpected Company

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DISCLAIMER: Only my own characters are mine, the KNB characters are owned by Tadatoshi Fujimaki.


The bell rang and Himura has finished planning what he's gonna tell his coach about Murasakabara's possibly interesting love life.

He was arranging his stuff, ready to go to the gym, and spread the good news to the team.

The team has been on the edge since Murasakibara wasn't in his usual carefree-lazy attitude because of his cavity.

Himuro had already put his gym bag's strap on his shoulder, ready to leave the classroom.

But he had an unexpected visitor by his homeroom classes' door. It was Miyamoto, with her crossed arms over her chest, she was definitely a feast for the eyes.

She was beautiful he'll admit. No wonder it has been noisy outside for quite a long time.

He sighed before walking to the door.

He had a feeling that she was more troublesome than taking care of Murasakibara.

He only subtly glanced at her from his shoulder before going on his way to the gym.

He smiled when Arisa walked up to his side, not caring about the stares she got from everyone in the hallways.

"Can I help you?" he asked, even though he knew the reason why she was tagging along with him to the gym.

Arisa briefly glanced at him, he doesn't know if what he felt was an appreciation for not exactly ignoring him since it wasn't exactly a glare either.

"Yayoi ditched her afternoon classes." She sighed, a dark aura replaced her normally untouchable aura. "I'm assuming that she's with that purple-haired titan the whole time.."

Himuro sweatdropped at her nickname for Murasakibara and her sharp senses.

At her sudden change of attitude, Himuro decided to not anger her any more than she was already pissed off.

It would be for the best if he doesn't mention how her actions might affect tomorrow's events.

People have been whispering to each other.

Rumors will definitely spread.

Though he thinks it won't affect her in any way, since she seems to only care about what Yayoi thinks of her.

The way to the gym was not uncomfortable to say the least, thanks to the undeniably painful stares of all the other students in school.

Himuro's fine with the attention, and he didn't exactly mind her company. If it can be called "company" in Arisa's case...

And it seems the same for Arisa too, surprisingly.

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