Do I taste like Chocolate?

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Yayoi held her face in her hand, "Just how am I supposed to go back to class like this?"

Murasakibara rested his chin on top of Yayoi's head, "Be normal?"

"No!" Yayoi jumped off his arms with newly found strength. She pointed at her neck and the overly visible love marks, "Be normal with this?!"

"Are you crazy?"

Murasakibara stared at her with an amused smile. He lazily leaned back on the wall with a shrug before loosening his neck tie and unbuttoning his top button. Yayoi watched his motions with a bewildered expression. 


"Why are you offering your neck?"

"Do me too."

Yayoi sighed at his words, "If someone was eavesdropping at us... I swear their blood will be in my hands."

She took a step towards him and looked down at him with a reluctant expression. Yayoi couldn't bring herself to come down onto Murasakibara so he took the initiative and propped his hands to push him to her. His long torso was enough to bring him up to a good distance from Yayoi but she still needed to kneel down to actually be face to face to him. 

Yayoi brushed Murasakibara's hair. Her fingertips threading through his lavender strands of hair, placing a few behind his ears before cupping his face in her smaller hands. Murasakibara had his eyes opened the whole time. He watched her face go through various emotions. There was reluctance, frustration and something else he couldn't name. But that something seemed similar to what he's feeling at the moment. 

Yayoi traced his face with her eyes. She started from his droopy eyes that always showed no care for anything or anyone. Though right now the only thing he is seeing in those violet eyes was her. She then traced the outline of his nose, remembering how it felt whenever he nuzzles his face onto the crook of her neck. Finally her eyes traced the thin line his lips. Her gaze lingered on them and it didn't go unnoticed by the person whose face is being traced. 

"Murasakibara-kun," Yayoi called out to him in a soft voice, she now traced his lips with her thumb. "I'll let you have a taste."

Murasakibara slightly tilted his head in question, "How?"

Yayoi pressed her thumb on Murasakibara's lower lip with a mischievious smile, "Say ah~"


Yayoi giggled before capturing his lips in a kiss. Her eyes watched his surprised reaction before slowly closing her eyes as she molded her lips on his, nibbling on his upper lips before she pulled away to change the angle. Her hands trailed down to his neck, then to his hair which she grabbed on and pulled on to pull him away for a brief second. 

"Tongue out."

Murasakibara can't seem to ignore her commands and followed like the puppy he is. Yayoi patted his head before giving him his reward. Also with her tongue out, she dove into his mouth, her tongue circling around his tongue before rubbing and sucking on it. Before Murasakibara realized, he was putty in her hands and kisses, his hands clenched into a fist on his sides unable to properly respond to her actions. 

After a few minutes, the bell rang signaling the end of their lunch period. 

Yayoi pulled away from Murasakibara's now swollen lips. A string of saliva followed her, and trailed down the edge of her equally swollen lips. She cached her breath while just another kiss length away from Murasakibara. 

Murasakibara just watched the way her chest moved as she took deep breaths, the way her swollen lips parted to catch her breath and the way her red face spread through her neck, making the love marks he gave from before less visible. 

He watched her closely as she laughed at the state he was in. 

"You look like you just fell in love, Murasakibara-kun." Yayoi playfully commented, as she tucked a part of her hair behind her right ear. Only now did Murasakibara noticed the piercings Yayoi has, or the tiny mole she has on the side of her right hand's palm. 

"Hello? Murasakibara-kun?" Yayoi laughed, waving her hand in front of his dazed face, "Come back from heaven already!"

Murasakibara blinked twice before finally finding his strength to move his hands, then his arms. He grabbed Yayoi's hand. Yayoi smiled fondly at the weak hold he had on her hand. She skillfully maneuvered her own hand and slid her hand down in order to capture Murasakibara's fingers in between hers before leaned close to his face again. 

"So?" She asked, "Did I taste like chocolate?"


"Oh? Really?" Yayoi asked in bewilderment. "Then you can't have me."

Murasakibara furrowed his brows with a pout, "What do you mean?"

"No chocolates for you right?"

Murasakibara moved closer to Yayoi, eyeing at her lips. "But they don't know how you taste. Only I know."

Yayoi bit her lip at his words, blushing like a tomato. 'Damn it and his way with words.'

"Right?" Murasakibara probed, now using their clasped hands together to pull her closer to him. His free hand sliding up to Yayoi's back, pushing her body close to him as if to close their remaining distance between each other. The two was back to their previous position before anything happened, but this time, the two were facing each other, just one kiss away with holding hands. 

Yayoi just watched in amusement at Murasakibara's movements. She nodded to answer his question, she swears she can see puppy ears dropping on his head, with a tail wagging behind him. She mentally agreed in her mind with Arisa's words that Murasakibara was a puppy but her beliefs was shattered in the next moment. 

Murasakibara asked for more, "Do it again." 

But this time, he was the one who ate her.


Meanwhile, Arisa rolled her eyes at the empty seat of Yayoi in front of her. 

"Maybe I should have specified that he was a wolf pup not a dog pup."

She pulled out her phone to text Murasakibara's caretaker, Himuro. 


Arisa : [Don't expect that purple haired titan to be back for the rest of his classes.]

Himuro : [What do you mean?]

Arisa : [Exactly what I meant.]

Himuro : [Oh, oh.]

Himuro : [Okay. Thank you for letting me know.]

Arisa : [Your thank you is not accepted.]

Himuro : [But I still will say it.]

Arisa : [Say it over some coffee, then I'll accept it.]

Himuro : [Just over coffee?]

Arisa : [Of course it's your treat.]

Himuro : [No holding hands?]

Arisa : [Don't get conceited now.]

Himuro : [Haha, after practice then?]

Arisa : [Hmm.]

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