A Late Conclusion

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DISCLAIMER: Only my own characters are mine, the KNB characters are owned by Tadatoshi Fujimaki.


"Hey, Atsushi?" Himuro started with a smile as he walked beside Murasakibara, just a few steps behind the other regulars. The team practice finished and they were on their way home.

Murasakibara grunted a reply, not feeling it because Yayoi was gone and the practice was harder than usual for no reason.

"What do you feel about Naruse-san becoming our team manager?" Himuro asked lightheartedly. Murasakibara stopped in his tracks:

"Well... It's just an if situation." Himuro continued, glancing back at him, "So?"

Murasakibara furrowed his brows, he thought really hard on the question to the point of

groaning in frustration.

Himuro's sweat dropped thinking, 'Was it that hard of a question?'

Then suddenly, a bright idea came to Himuro, "If Naruse-san becomes our team manager...

She'll be there in every game to watch us and cheer for us."

Murasakibara's ears perked up a bit.

'Oh? That's a nice reaction.' Himuro thought, feeling relieved that his tactic is working.

"Nani nani?" Fukui popped up out of nowhere and interrupted Himuro's plans, "Are you gonna ask both of those girls to become our manager?"

Himuro warily smiled, 'I have a bad feeling about this...' He looked back at Murasakibara whose face has turned into a demon. There goes his chance of persuading Murasakibara to be the one to ask Yayoi to become their manager.

"No," Murasakibara answered without missing a beat. He glared at Fukui, then at Himuro before repeating his answer, "NO."

Fukui was perplexed, and so was Himuro, "Why not?"

Murasakibara kept his glare on them both, "I don't know but no."

Himuro just watched the now pissed Murasakibara walk past him and Fukui in fascination. The two watched Murasakibara walk past the convenience store in a bad mood. Murasakibara's mood swings seem to depend on Yayoi now and not his sweets.

Fukui pointed at Murasakibara before turning to Himuro with a pale face, "Who is that?! That Murasakibara didn't try to buy sweets!"

Himuro laughed without his eyes smiling but didn't indulge Fukui further. He was kinda mad at Fukui for ruining his plans too. He observed Murasakibara's mad giant figure before realizing that he shouldn't have used the word 'us.' He should have emphasized that Naruse will be Murasakibara's own manager not the whole team's manager instead. Himuro came to a late conclusion that Murasakibara's possessive streak that he usually shows for his sweets is starting to show. Though this time, he's possessive of a person named Naruse Yayoi. 

A Chocolate Contract [Murasakibara X oc]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum