The Fate's Plan: A Fight

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DISCLAIMER: Only my own characters are mine, the KNB characters are owned by Tadatoshi Fujimaki.


"What are you gonna do to Atsushi when you see him?"

Arisa briefly looked at Himuro before sighing and continuing to walk, "I won't hit him or anything if that's what you're curious about."

Himuro hummed, quite surprised. He thought she would snap in anger just from the thought of seeing Murasakibara with Yayoi.

"I can't injure a player, much less a regular from the school's sports team."

Himuro took back his previous statement, "So if Atsushi was not an athlete...?"

Arisa looked back at him with a smile. Himuro wasn't able to decipher the meaning behind the smile and he didn't want to either.

He started thanking Murasakibara for choosing to become an athlete.

He also made wishful thinking that Murasakibara would just skip today's practice to not incur Arisa's wrath.

But fate has other plans...

By the time the two arrived at the gym, there was a crowd by the entrance. And in the middle of that crowd was Murasakibara who had Yayoi caged in his arms. Behind him were the other basketball regulars who were trying their all to pull him away from Yayoi.


Himuro looked at the empty space beside him that Arisa preoccupied just a few seconds ago, "Since when–!"

He watched as Arisa held Yayoi's face in her hands, looking all over her face and body to check for any injuries. The bandaged wrist did not go unnoticed.

"Oi, titan," Arisa started, her eyes being shadowed over by her bangs.

Murasakibara lazily looked at her, "What? And who are you?"

"Shut up." Arisa ignored his words, "What did you do to my Yayoi?"

Her words pissed him off more than anything. He tightened her arms around Yayoi's waist and placed his chin on top of Yayoi's head to sneer down at Arisa.

"Who the f*** are you?"

A Chocolate Contract [Murasakibara X oc]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt