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I knew what he had seen in the pensive, I had given him the memories for Merlins sake. Though that didn't stop me from remembering everything, all the pain, things I did t allow him to see. What I needed to do was have a drink, go see my brother give him the option the Dark Lord has granted him. This was all a big mess, yes I was home and yet I really didn't want to be here at the same time.

I looked around for a glass, finding none I resorted to drinking out of the bottle. Taking a few swigs I was ready to face my little brother. Apparating in my room I found myself in Malfoy Manor again for the second time that day. With a snap of my fingers a little elf appeared in front of me.

"What can I do for miss?"

"Lead me to Blaise," she nodded leading me up flight of stairs. She stopped at a dark wooden door.

"Can I do anything else for miss?"

"Can you tell me where to find Narcissa when I am done here?"

"She is out in the garden, miss."

With a nod I opened the door, Blaise was sat in a chair with a bottle of firewhiskey in hand. "Blaise?"

"Yes?" He turned around in his chair to find me standing there. "Are you doing okay?" He asked looking to the bottle in my left hand.

"Yes, I am fine Blaise. I came to talk to you about the option the Dark Lord has granted you."

He waves his wand, conjuring another chair for me to sit in. "Of course, have a seat." I did as asked, sitting in the chair opposite him.

"I will be making the Dark Lord a potion that will give him and his most loyal Death Eaters immortality. You have the choice of being a part of that group Blaise."

We sat in an air of quiet for a few minutes while he thought, "I'll pass of the immortality. I want to grow old, have a wife and children. I don't want to watch the one I love die from old age, when I can't get old. I am sorry Amelia," I understood c what he was talking about. I wanted all those things too, but would obviously never have them.

"I understand Blaise,  you have nothing to worry about." With that I stood heading for the door I had came through. "Be care at Hogwarts little brother."

"And you be careful around the dark lord, Amelia." Looking over my shoulder just as I passed through the said door, there was a look of honest worry in his face.

It was time to get back to the grouchy dungeon bat, with a pop in the entry hall I was back in my room. A tumbler still waiting in the bedside table.

Truly Me Amelia ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now