Whats going on here?

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Hermione ~

Bellatrix had the same blade she had just carved my arm with, at the base of my throat. Crying out in terror only made her press the sharp blade into my neck more and more. If this is how I'm going to die, It better have been worth it all. Why were they just staring at me like that? Are they going to try and help me?

I watched in horror as Dobby apparated away with everyone, but me. If they don't kill me right away, what is left of my already numbered days will be torture. Bellatrix grabs me once again, dragging me back down to the floor.

"I shall cut you into scraps and feed you to Yaxley!"

Just as the blade touches me flesh yet again, as I plead with her for mercy, the doors slam against the walls. "What is going on here, Bella?"

She jerks her head up to look at a very pissed off Severus Snape. "She was captured be snatchers, and just so happens to be the little Mudblood who helps Potter!"

"Is that so?" Walking closer, followed by their Master, Lord Voldemort. Snape looks to Voldemort. "This Mudblood as Bella so kindly puts it, happens to be the long lost daughter of the Zabini's."

This was beyond shocking to me, he must be making up a lie to save me, but why would he even bother?

"What are you talking about Turncloak?" I holler from under Bellatrix, being terrified wasn't going to stop me from getting my answers.

"Shall I call her twin to prove it, My Lord?" Snape asks his Master, who nods. He pulls his left sleeve up, putting his right hand over his dark mark. After a few minutes Blaise Zabini comes barreling through the already open doors.

He takes a look around, then his eyes land on me with Bellatrix still straddling my chest. His dark eyes go wide, then flash with rage. "Get off of her!"When she hesitates to remove herself, he takes action. With a flick of his wand, Bellatrix goes soaring through the air, hitting the opposite wall.

Shock was starting to over power my fear at this point in the crazy mess I had found my self in. Blaise pulls me up from the floor, looks me over seeing what she had done to me, and I see the rage that flashes anew in his eyes. after pushing me behind him, he trains his wand on Bellatrix as she makes her way to her feet.

Before any spells can be cast, I make a very stupid decision by stepping around Blaise with my hands in the air. Power surging through the room, "I want answer before anyone gets killed. If you don't mind?"

Everyone in the room looks to me, but stays silent. Sending a surge of magic through everyone, but the Dark Lord. Crazy, not stupid. There was no way in hell I would be daft enough to shock him and die before I got my answers.

If someone doesn't answer me soon," looking around the room at each face pointedly. "I will only increase the pain until the answers start spilling. Is that clear?" Oh, now I've gone and lost my bloody mind. Threatening Death Eaters? I'm truly losing it.

"I'm not afraid of you girly, your not the one with a wand!" Bellatrix yells across the room, still mad that her fun got rained on.

"Would you like to test that theory?" Why am I challenging this bat shit crazy witch? Oh right, because I still owe her dearly for the pain she has given me.

Before anything harmful could happen to Bellatrix, a pair of bony hands land on my shoulders. "I would very much like some answers as well." The voice of the feared Lord Voldemort comes from directly behind me.

Blaise steps around, pointing his wand at me. I'm honestly starting to get tired of people pointing wands at me, at first it was fun, now its just aggravating. "Reveal thee, this shell no longer needed to protect the hidden." Silver strands shoot from the end of his wand, wrapping their way around me. Lifting me a few inches off the ground, the feeling of your body changing was odd and painful. The silver strands grew brighter by the second, wrapping tighter and tighter around me. Until finally after what seemed like forever, my feet touched the marble floors again.

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