Chapter One: Manners and Beezwax

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I pulled my grey sweatshirt over my dirty, brown hair and put on my sunglasses. Its ridiculous to wear them at this time of the year I know, but I couldn’t afford to get caught. I feel worse about it everyday but if I want food this is the way I’m going to get it. As I bend down to re-tie my once white, now black converse, I notice a girl staring at me. I’m used to being stared at, I mean after all, you don’t usually see a 16 year old girl prancing the streets in torn up clothes during the school day. But this girl’s stare was perplexing. It seemed as though she was looking through me, not at me. I didn’t get it. I’m the type of person who your mom tells you NOT to stare at, yet this girl obviously didn’t seem to care. I looked back down at my worn out sneakers. A hole was starting to form in the heel of the shoe. Maybe if I hadn’t turned out the way I am, there wouldn’t be a hole in my shoe. Maybe there wouldn’t be a hole in my life either. But I am who I am. 


I feel a tap on my shoulder, breaking my thoughts and putting me back into the cold reality that is my life.


"Can I help you?" I asked not looking up from my lopsided bow that I had just finished tying.


"You know it's polite to look at someone in their eyes when they are talking to you.'


"You know, it's polite to stay out of people's beezwax, so bug off."


"Well aren't you pleasant."


I scoffed.


"Listen. I'm not looking for an argument. I'm just not a people person i don't want to talk. Besides, I have some buisiness that needs attending to."


Not waiting for her to respond, I stood up, cracked my knuckles and started over to the small shop.


"If you're thinking about looting that shop don't. Unless you want some paper towels for dinner."


I turned around.


"What do you mean?"


"It's all gone, well the good stuff at least."


"Well, why is it gone."


"I took it." She said simply, shrugging her shoulders like it was no big deal.


"You mean you, little miss manners actually robbed a store?" I asked, bursting into a fit of laughter after I finished speaking.


"Seriously. I did." She whinned. "See." She openedthe black bag she was holding and I looked inside. Geez, she really did loot that place.


"Well then." I said, A little taken aback from what I had just seen. " Okay Manners, is there any other place I could get something to eat?"


"You could come and eat with me."


"Like I said before, I'm not a very people person."


"One meal, that's all. You can leave after."


I weighed my options. I could starve for the night or I could eat one meal with her. It's just one meal. Besides, I need the energy so I can travel tomorrow. 


"Well?" She questioned. Putting her arms on her hips. 


"Eh. What the hell. I'll go."


And that was where it all started to go wrong.



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