Chapter III - Internal Conflicts

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Lieutenant: What it is Raul. Raul: The Dark Force, their successfully destroying our plazas. They will ruin our plan if they're successful and disrupt, the natural order, dispatch a hitman to hunt them down and if he fails dispatch another, this cycle will repeat and repeat until they are no more. This plan will be successful. Their incompetence blinds them, unable to see the game we’re playing right under their noses. Lieutenant: Yes sir.

As the lieutenant is walking down the corridor he gets Javier Salazar, Raul’s right hand man. As the two men leave they get in Salazar’s car and head off


The lieutenant is confused because he doesn't recognize the place they're at.

Lieutenant: What are we doing here Salazar. This is neutral territory, there is no cartel or government presence here. Salazar: In a country at war you have to be willing to go that extra length for victory.

Meanwhile at the infirmary, Kix is still with Elena as she is getting better.

Kix: It's ok Elena, you're going to be alright.

Isaac enter the room

Isaac: Kix. Kix: What's going on? Isaac: We just received a transmission. Mitchell wants all of us there.

Both men leave the infirmary and walk into the command center where Mitchell is looking at a transmission from Salazar.

Salazar: You have interfered in our plans far too long dark force I want you here in 1 hour! And every hour you miss, one hostage will die.

Salazar kills a hostage.

Salazar: Starting now!

Transmission ends

Kix: You sick fuck I'll go. Mitchell: Benardo I forbid you from going alone. Kix: Why, you can't trust me? How am I supposed to move on from a student. Mitchell: I'm doing what's good for the team. Kix: Good for the team? Good for the team? Because of you a member of the team is critically injured. Mitchell: Benardo I have a plan to- Kix: I'm going alone Mitchell. Mitchell: Dammit Bernardo that's an order! Kix: Well fuck your orders Mitchell and fuck you.

Kix starts leaving the command center.

Mitchell: Bernardo get back here, Bernardo….. TYLER!


Kix enters the room where Salazar and the lieutenant are in.

Salazar: Is this it? I capture 6 people and the dark force doesn't even have the decency to send a squad. Kix: Oh trust me you're really gonna wish it was anybody else. Salazar: (hmph) Get him.

The lieutenant gets Kix from the back but Kix counters it with a shoulder throw.

Salazar: Not bad boy.

Salazar charges at Kix but Kix counters it with a shoulder drag causing Salazar to go flying. The lieutenant gets up and tries to blindside Kix but Kix punches him back hard and throws Salazar.

Kix: 2 against 1, Okay.

Salazar rushes Kix with a knife but he leans back and hits him with a jumping spinning roundhouse kick knocking him down, Kix focuses on the lieutenant who falls due to his leg and can't get up, seeing this Kix runs up to Salazar and pins him with his fist.

Kix: You're not going anywhere now Salazar. We're really going to make sure you two don't get away.

Isaac enters the room and sees the injured lieutenant crawling towards Kix and shoots him.

Kix: (Confused) What the hell?

Kix looks at Isaac.

Isaac: Never turn your back rookie.

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