Chapter 8

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It's been a whole week with occasional calls and texts from Spencer, and it's finally time to go back to the BAU. They caught the guy, who turned out to be my uncle's brother in-law whose sister was killed I'm a gang shooting. He ended up going down in a blaze of glory.

"Bye mom, thank you for having me this week, even though I was basically back to being an anti-social teenager." I said hugging her as we got to the airport.

"No problem, you're always welcome home. Now, be safe, keep in touch, and I love you." She replied making me smile before pulling away.

"Love you too, and you do the same. If I hear you broke something, I'm coming down and kicking your ass. And if you die, I'm coming down and kicking your ass to being you back to life. You're all the family I have left. I'll call when I land." I said making her smile softly and nod before I grabbed my bag and got out of the car going inside to get my ticket.

I was forced to show my FBI I.D. again to keep my gun, but other than that it was okay. I had a first class ticket again, but this time I slept the whole way back to Virginia. When we were landing, I woke up and almost had a heart attack because of the bumping and the sound of the wheels squealing as the hit the ground and forced the plane to slow.

When I walked out of the terminal, I saw Spencer's brown curls with his back to me talking to a teenager. I smiled and started running to him.

"Spence!" I exclaimed a few feet away to give him time to turn around before I humped into his arms smashing my lips on his as we fell to the ground.

"Ow! It's nice to see you again to Aerendolynn." He groaned making me laugh and kiss him again.

"I've missed you so much, I was going crazy back there!" I replied before getting up and helping him up.

"I missed you so much too, I haven't slept, and I've barely eaten. I've only survived on coffee, and your calls and texts. Oh, and this is Luke Pierce, he wanted to meet you." He rambled making me laugh before shaking the teenager's hand.

"It's nice to meet you Luke." I smiled at him.

"N-nice to m-meet you t-too Dr. Michaelson." The not stammered.

"Please, Lynn is fine." I replied making him nod before holding out the latest issue of Genius Magazine.

"M-may I h-have your a-autograph?" He asked making me laugh a little and nod.

"Of course! And you don't have to be so nervous, I'm just a normal person." I replied before signing it.

"Are we normal?" Spencer asked making me roll my eyes.

"We both love on coffee, we love Star Trek, we play games, and we joke around. I'd say we're pretty normal there Pretty Boy." I replied.

"Don't start calling me that, I think Morgan has it Copy Righted." He groaned making me laugh a little.

"I don't think he can. Anyways, how did you get interested in me Luke?" I asked turning back to the teen.

"I had to do a project on you for science class this year. I got a 100 on it for elaborating all of your theories. I especially love the one about alternate dimensions where you talk about how we could be the total opposite of who we are now. It was mindblowing, and really cool." Luke gushed making me smile and nod.

"Yeah, I thought of that theory when I was 12, it's what got me into my first college." I replied.

"I know! I read all about it in the first Genius Magazine that you were in. Along with the newspaper article. Oh no, I got to go. It was an honour to meet you Lynn, I hope to talk to you again. Bye Spencer, thank you for helping me with this." He sighed before shaking our hands and walking away.

"How do you know that kid?" I asked looking up at Spencer.

"He used to live where you live now, but he moved to a different complex with his father after his mother passed away. Anyways, I'm starving, so we're stopping by Dunkin' Donuts on the way home." Spencer replied before taking my bag from me and grabbing my hand with his free one.

"Yay! I've been craving donuts since I left Quantico!" I cheered making him laugh as we got to his car and he placed my bag in his trunk after I grabbed my gun out of it.

We then got in and headed to Dunkin' Donuts. After eating, we went home and immediately went to sleep.

A/N: Sorry for three things. This note, the late update, and how short the chapter is. I've been stressing over school, I have 8 projects due this FRIDAY AND IT'S FUCKING TUESDAY!!! Anyways, sorry, thank you for your support.


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