Chapter 3

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When I pulled into the driveway of my mom's house, I parked the car and turned the engine off getting out as everyone followed me. We grabbed our stuff and headed inside.

"Welcome home. I'll show you to your rooms. Who's sharing with who?" I asked Hotchner and Gideon.

"We'll share, then Morgan can have his own room, and JJ and Prentiss will share." Hotchner replied making me nod.

"Alright, since you two are the higher ups, you can get the biggest room out of the three." I said leading them up the stairs and to the end of the hall. "This is it. There are two closets, two dressers, and one bathroom inside. The bathroom has everything a bathroom should have minus all the guy stuff." I stated opening the door for them as they walked in and chose their beds.

"Where's your room in case we need you?" Gideon asked.

"My room is right across the hall. I also have an office connected to my room that we can use as our conference room. Just, don't mess anything up please, it was my father's study before he passed away five years ago." I replied making them nod before I led Reid into my room.

"Wow, it's still how you described it to me when we first wrote to each other." He said looking around.

"So you remember which door is the bathroom?" I asked before he opened the right hand door to the bathroom.

"Yes I do." He smiled at me making me shake my head.

"I'll take the top bunk since it's my normal bed anyways. And don't worry about if the sheets and bedding are clean, my mom washes them twice a week." I said before going over to my closet to find a comfortable outfit to change into.

"How come you still have a lot of clothes here?" He asked as he looked into my closet over my shoulder.

"When I moved to NY for the FBI, I bought myself new clothes and sent what I had back home. Also I visit for weeks at a time when we're not working on any cases." I replied shrugging pulling out a black tank top and black leggings before going over to my sock drawer and grabbing a pair of fuzzy socks my dad bought me for my 25th birthday five years ago next week.

After I came out of the bathroom, I found Reid napping making me smile and shake my head because he pushed the covers over. He also left his shoes on making me softly take them off him as to not wake him, before I covered him up. I turned the light off before I slowly climbed up to my bed so the metal frame didn't squeak. I then decided to take a nap also.

A few hours later, talking in the hall woke me up, but I stayed still and quiet with my eyes closed as I listened carefully.

"We checked out all cosmetic places in town, nothing. Maybe he doesn't work in cosmetics? Maybe he just got an education in it, but chose to do something else?" I heard Morgan say softly as to not wake the rest of the house.

"Alright. We'll find out more tomorrow. Right now, we should all eat something before getting rest." Hotchner replied before the door started opening making me grab my phone and pretend I've been on it.

"Hey, are you two awake?" Morgan asked before the light turned on.

"Yeah." I replied before a grunt was heard beneath me making me lean over the railing to see Reid turn away from the door.

"Let me sleep." He mumbled.

"Spencer, you need to eat something. You won't feel well tomorrow if you don't eat, and you know I'm right." I said making him groan again before he turned to look up at me.

"Why?" He asked.

"So you're energized and don't need to drink 20 cups of coffee tomorrow." I replied before flipping off the bed making him jump as if to catch me before sighing in relief as I landed on my feet.

Why Are You So Smart? (Dr. Spencer Reid Love Story) DISCONTINUEDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant