Wtf ur like 3

118 9 11

Don't judge.

One day you were chillin' in high school and then some random dude walks in.

"Who r u?" You ask while eating your homework.

"Idk," he responds.

You suddenly realize something. "Woagh, r u Andy Biersack?"

"Sure," he responds.


Then you cough up your homework because you realize you actually have to do it.

"Hey, want some help with that?" Every Beersex asks with a kind smile, flowing hair, and glimmering eyes.

"Nah, go get me Subway," you respond while wishing that he had initially brought you Subway before.

He just walks away.

"Whatever I don't need him anyway all I need are my family." You unzip your jacket to reveal at least 20 possums. There they were. Your family. The possum family. The most supportive people in your life.

18 hours later Anveru Bieersecks comes ba,ck wit ur Subway.

"I thought I asked for teh meh," you say in response.

"Subway is teh meh," Andy inquires.

"Holy shiizlle my nizzzlelee you're righhhht."

Wait. . .

Where was your teh meh????

Before you could ask, two people backflip, somersault, jump, roll, and cling to the ceiling all at the same time right into the room.

iTs OfF-bRanD uRinE aNd GeRm RaG 👌👌👌💯💯💯💯🙏🙏🙏🙌👍👌👍🙌💯👍👌🙌🙏🙏💯👌💯🙌💯👍👍👌👌❤️❤️💯❤️💯😍😍😍😉👌😉👌😉🙌🙏🙌😎😎👍👌😂👐🤝🤝🤙🤙🤙🤘🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤💯🖤💯🖤💯🖤💯🖤🖤💯🖤💯🖤💯🖤💯🖤🖤💯🙌🖤🙌🖤🙌🖤🙌🖤🙌😂💯🤝💯🙌💯🤙👌😉❤️🖤🎉🎉🙏

"Oh meh gawwddd it's Brendon Urie and Gerard Way!" You yell. "Where tf is my teh meh???????"

"We have it right here," Germ Rag and Off-Brand Urine say in unison with very dark, stalkerish voices.

"K tanks," you say.

When you sit down, you had to think about something. . . You didn't even know what time it was. . . Or what year. . . Or what day. . . But there was only one question on your mind.

"How tf did you guys get in here ur all like 2."

Thanks for teh reads.

By the way, the names Off-Brand Urine, Germ Rag, and Every Biersex are inside jokes between both creators. Teh meh is also an inside joke. . .

Story created by Irisone . This chapter written by the same person ;)

Teh Meh [Andy Biersack, Gerard Way, and Brendon Urie x Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now