Chapter 4 - Shortcake

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*WARNING - Language*

The next day I get up for school, I put on a short white dress and a black leather jacket with some white leggings, pull on some sea shell (A/N - light pinkish) wedges and head to the bathroom.

I put on my usual amount of makeup and head downstairs. Grandma hands me a pop tart and I gobble it down as quickly as possible.

I walk to school and get to my first class sitting next to Marcia.

"Class today is the day, we start your 20-time projects". The teacher says. "And stop making googly eyes at your partner's, I will choose them for you". The first set of partners are chosen.

"How about Marcia and Leslie. The teacher keeps going "Lizzy and Ella" and "Henry and Billy". I have a billion fleeting thoughts swarming around in my head but after a while, I hear her call my name faintly.

I say "Yes?" she looks up at me and says, "Leah and Eithan" as if she knows this would make me unhappy.

I sneer at her and look around for his seat. I gulp and try to argue but she wouldn't listen and he was just smirking evilly at me like he was playing a prank on the police.

He stood up, his chair scraping loudly against the quiet cutting the silence like a gunshot.

I was nervous as he sauntered towards my seat. He said in a low voice "Come on we have to find a spot to work at".

As I keep my eyes on the ground, but I nod my head and follow him slowly to a table in the back of the class. I keep from blurting all of my thoughts out but holding them in was giving me a headache.

He started glaring but I shrugged it off when he finally spoke up "let's get this fucking show on the road, I'm already sick of you".

Rude drama king I think.

"listen Mr. grumpy-pants I don't wanna work with you either, okay?" I bravely say.

He glares at me and I give him a forced, small, smile at him even though I'm terrified.

He doesn't need to know that though.

An hour of coming up with ideas passes by me in a flash.

The bell rings for lunch and I grab my stuff he grabs my shoulder and says "meet me at the west-side doors, you are coming to my house" leaving no room for argument.

I defy and ask "why" he just responds with "cause we're gonna work on the stupid project" and throws his hands in the air like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

I just nod and head to lunch grab a cheeseburger and a water and find the girls and see Jacqueline sitting there too as I sit down.

We sit and gossip about our partners in class and other upcoming events for school drama. A while later the bell rings and I head to class.

~ Time Skip - 3 Hours ~

The bell rings for the end of the day. When I don't see him at the I head outside to meet up with Eithan. I see him with a black Mustang wearing black sunglass.

His black shirt almost matches his black hair partially flopped over some sunglasses. I can see why the girls think he's eye candy.

Everyone stares as I get in the car. I feel like I'm gonna die of embarrassment and public humiliation...

We head down long roads and finally arrive at a beautiful mansion. I look at him in surprise.

 He shrugs and says "My old man's loaded and never around so I'm alone a lot, but it's home."

We go over some ideas and choose money for the homeless. After a while of planning, I lose track of time.

 I almost throw a tantrum when I see how late it is. Its past midnight and I can only pray and hope my grandparents aren't up until this late. I frantically explain the situation to Eithan. 

I tell him my address, he speeds and the next thing I know, there are the flashing lights reflecting off the front window. Just great  I think to myself, he stops the car and the officer comes to the door.

 He knocks on the window, and Eithan rolls it down. "Mr. Knight" the police officer confronts in a bored tone, almost like he's done this before. 

Eithan rolls his eyes but otherwise stays respectful, if he didn't I would have hit him on the backside of his head. 

The officer ask's "why were you speeding this time Knight?"

He smiles slyly and says "My girlfriend is past her curfew, so I didn't want her to get in trouble."

The officer rolls his eyes and replies snarkily "really Knight, girlfriend,  I'm not dumb and she looks too innocent to be one of you're late night girls, but I have to be on my way, here's your ticket".

Okay, so first...the police officer knows his last name

Second, he also knows some facts about him

 All I could think was is he really that bad?

We drive off and I get out the car in front of my house.

 I then remember his excuse and get annoyed "GIRLFRIEND really" I say sarcastically. 

He rolled his eyes and says "relaxxxx I got you home right? Also, you know you like that idea shortcake". I yell from the porch "I would rather marry a pig!" 

He chuckles and just yells back "pick you up tomorrow shortcake! Let's say 7: 25"

 I start to argue but he yells goodnight and drives off leaving me in the dust

I was lucky my Grandparents were asleep and I head to bed as all of the swarming thoughts come back 

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