Destruction - Chapter 20 - Cell.

Start from the beginning

These walls are thin and the woman seems so upset, I don't understand, Sophie is tense in my arms, she keeps turning to the wall that borders our cell. 

Flora jumps at a tree and yanks Harry up not before taking a lump of flesh from his ankle leaving an open wound as he boots the dog in the face. 

Sophie p.o.v

They climb to safety, but I can't even look at Harry's foot, I'm suprised Hanna's keeping her bread and water down. 

The woman's scream rings in my ears, Her voice is familiar.. but you don't hear tone of voice through screams do you ? I don't know anyone anyway, the woman carries on crying and the mans voice is comforting, I can't understand why.. the chase is over, now they're following the careers pack... 

I know Louis can sense something is wrong.

"What is it ?" He asks playing with a strand of my hair in the dark, everyone's watching the re-cap in silence. 

"Why was that woman crying ?" I whisper. 

"I don't know Soph, she might be mad, god knows how long she's been locked up in here, things like that are distrubing too" He says. 

"But I heard them say Flora earlier Lou! You've gotta beleive me" I say, I'm probably sounding like a mad woman myself. 

"There's one way to find out, we can tallk to them through the cell wall, if we can hear them talking normally we'll be able to communicate some how ?" He says, I smile this will bother me all night. 

"Really ? ah Lou you're a genius!" I say pecking him on the lips, letting tingles run through me, no-one else has noticed our exchange. 

"Of course we can, if it will make you happy.. you never know, it could help us" I smile and hug my jacket tighter around me in the cold cell. 

The show finishes and Flora and Harry have narrowly escaped death another night.

"Sophie wants to try something" Louis clears his throat and says, you can still almost hear the muffled sobs next door

I go towards the wall... 

"H..hello... I'm Sophie, I know you must think I'm silly but I want to know where you're from, why were you talking about Flora earlier ?" I ask, the woman starts to sob gently again as I say her name... 

"It's.. very complicated, why would you want to know " says the man, wearily his voice tired. 

"I know and my friend's in here with me..we know her" I say. 

"Who.. are you ?" says the man.

"My names Sophie.. I'm with Hanna,Beth and Sabrina, we're her friend's"  He says.

"Sophie... Little Sophie, I remember you!" Says the man.

"How ? how do you know me.. who are you two ?" I have a feeling already, I know, I remember his voice, I used to go hunting with him sometimes, he used to deliver animals to our house. 

"We're her parents..." 

Niall p.o.v

"I.. I thought so" whispers Sophie. All ther girls have gone to the wall now, I'm confused I give look at the boys but they're transfixed on Sophie. 

"I know.. we have alot to explain , everyone thinks we're dead I don't know if Flora could ever forgive us even if she came out of there, which she won't now, and we have no money to be bailed out they've had us locked up, no contact, kept us healthy, and they know no-one will pay for us because they don't know we're here, we've done overtime for the hunting that I did..." says her dad, her mum is crying again. 

"But.. this is brilliant! We can get you bailed out! my mum is here, and Harry's mentor, they'll pay when they come to get us tommorow, the Capitol will let you go won't they ?" Says Beth. 

"Yes, they will if we get bail!" says her dad. 

"I can see my little Ox" her mum speaks for the first time, she sounds fragile. 

"Bethany ? is that you?" says her dad, My hand is still clasped to Bethany's and she's clinging on tightly. 

"Yes.. it's me" replies Bethany. 

"Listen to us, we have a plan to get them out, Louis uncle is head gamemaker!" says Sophie in a lower tone.

"Louis ?" says her dad. 

"Harry's friends are here with us, Louis,Liam,Zayn and Niall" I say. 

"Well... well that's amazing, and he has a plan ?" says her dad. 

"I remember Harry.. he was such a dear little child. and that hair" says her mum almost crying again. 

"Of course he has a plan.. we should stop talking or they'll be onto us" she says. 

"Yes.. that's very sensible, I always knew you were a clever girl Sophie" Says her dad, I pull beth back from the wall as everyone settles to sleep, whispering exitedly, everybody thought they were dead and now Flora's parents are alive, and Flora and Harry will be back together, and when she see's her parents years will be pulled together, she probably won't even beleive it, bound to be disorientated. 

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