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(I am back. So I study a bit of Greek mythology for a bit and what I found out about Aphrodite socked me. So I decided to add one of these shocking things to the story for now. I will probably add one more later. Also holy shit her father liked having sex and being unfaithful a lot.)
It was a normal rainy day at the cave. Well as normal as five creature hiding from the human society completely can be. Migas had just come back from her fist with James. Everything was calm. You know before the world usually screwed them over. Like what happened to Kitty on the half siblings birthday.
"Why are you so on edge today Migas?" Meliodas asked sitting next to his sister.
"Cause everything is usually calm now. It is nice but, today it feels like the world is going to screw us over. I don't know why. It just feels like it." Migas stated looking out the cave entrance seeing the rain completely down pour outside the cave.
"Oh come one aunt Migas, what could possibly go wrong?" Fidi asked slithering next to her aunt.
"You did not just say that. Please tell me you did not just say that." Migas begged.
"So what if she did?" Scales asked as her and Kitty walked over.
"You do not ask that in your life ever. That's rule number one. I know. I said that once then got attacked by a vampire. Oh and before that my house burnt down." Migas explained. Slither sat down on the next to her mother who was trying to read a book from a new kingdom that had just opened a year ago called Leoniss or something like that.
"What could possibly happen to us like that?" Slither smiled. Just then a hooded figure with a bow and arrow entered the cave. Everyone remained completely still for a moment. Even the hooded person. Then Migas looked at the group in the cave. She pointed at the man.
"THIS IS WHY NO ONE EVER ASK THAT QUESTION EVER. NOT EVEN IF ANY OF YOU WRITE BOOKS. DO NOT MAKE THEM ASK THIS QUESTION." Migas screamed at them. Then Meliodas charged at the man with the sword on his back. The man dodged each sword swing. So Mel waited for this man to use magic so he could use counter. Yet, he never did.
"Look kid I-" the man didn't even get to finish his sentence before Kitty charged at him. She jumped on top of the man and tried clawing his eyes out. The man was able to get her off of his face. Instead of throwing her across the room he threw her onto Medusa's lap. Migas tried to find something to attack the man with while Medusa tried to look him in the eyes. To her surprise the non blind man didn't turn to stone like the others. Nope. He just seemed surprised to see her. Then Slither charged at him from the left while Mel charged at him to the right. Instead off jumping back having Mel stab the young girl, the man grabbed the girl, threw her into Migas and barely dodged Meliodas's blade.
"Would you stop att-" He didn't even finish his sentence before Mel took another swing from the sword at him. Unlike always Mel wasn't even trying to win. He didn't want to until he found out who this was.
"That's it." The man stated as his wings popped out of his back. He grabbed Meliodas and flew up to the top of the cave. The sword fell out of Meliodas's hands. This man's hood fell off revealing a handsome blond man who looked to be in his early 20's.
"Can we talk now?" The man asked. Mel opened his mouth to speak.
"Eros?" Medusa asked. Eros the god of love looked at the snake.
"Hi Medussy. You're kids are so cute." Eros smiled flying back down. He put Meliodas on the ground.
"Thanks for not try to kill me prince Meliodas. I appreciate it." Eros smiled.
"PRINCE?!?" Kitty and Fidi asked at the same time. Mel began to sweat. He didn't tell them that that for a reason. Then Eros looked around the room.
"Ahhhhh. Which one of you is Migas?" He asked. With a gulp Migas raised her hand. With a smile Eros walked over. He extended his hand.
"Migas, it's amazing to see you again. Do you remember me?" Eros asked. Migas shook her head no. Eros's face fell. So she really didn't remember him at all. With a deep breath he put a fake happy smile on his face.
"Well then let's start from the beginning. It's nice to meet you Migas. I'm your half brother Eros the god of love." Eros smiled. Everyone's daw dropped except for Eros and Medusa.
"WHAT?!?" Everyone except for the god and Medusa screamed.

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