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"Noooooooo." Migas mumbled dropping her face back into her pillow.
"Yes. You have to get up." Medusa sighed looking at her.
"Wwhhhhhhyyyyyy?" Migas whined sitting back up.
"Did you forget what today is?" Meliodas asked as he held Fidi up to see her friend Migas. Who was now tiredly waving at the tiny baby. Then she pulled the sheets back over her self.
"No. What's today?" She yawned.
"Our birthday." Mel stated putting Fidi back in the nest with her siblings. Migas sat up almost instantly. Oh shit. She may or may not have forgot.
"You can celebrate it Mel, I don't want to." Migas stated getting up. Mel just looked at her.
"You're joking, right? This is the first time we'll be together for our birthday together!" Mel exclaimed. Migas rolled her eyes. She was never a fan of celebrating the day she was born since she was locked up almost instantly.
"We can celebrate your birthday, not mine." Migas frowned as she walked over to the exit of the cave. She had to go into the living part of the forest to get berries for Meliodas's birthday surprise. Which only Medusa knew about. Though when Migas looked at Medusa, Medusa just looked at her for a moment as if she was being a crazy child. Which she wasn't. If anything she was a crazy immortal 3000 year old today. Yet, that didn't stop Medusa from staring at her. Though that didn't matter. No matter what Migas was not, I repeat not celebrating her birthday EVER. She'd rather have her heart ripped out of her chest.
"Are you sure?" Mel asked.
"Yeah, I am. Besides I'm pretty sure others consider your birthday more important than mine. Well, gotta go." Migas smiled at her brother as if saying he was more important than her was completely normal. Which as you can tell wasn't normal at all.
"Not to me." Medusa and Mel stated at the same time. Migas didn't hear them though. She had left after speaking to them.
"What are we going to do for her birthday?" Meliodas asked.
"I have no idea but, on things for sure we are celebrating it." Medusa stated.
~time skip~
It was sunset when Miga came home with a basket almost completely full of blue berries. Now the one problem wasn't that she had come home late. Nope. It was that nobody bought, gotten or made Migas anything for her birthday. They couldn't find anything that she would have liked. So basically Mel went to distract her or at least let her know he cared. Which so far was a bombing task.
"Y-you got me blue berries?" Mel asked.
"Yeah. I remember how you used to go on that you loved to eat them during the war. Now, can I go in the cave or are you going to keep doing what ever the hell this is?" Migas smiled trying to walk by her brother. Once again Mel blocked her but, this time with the basket of blue berries instead of his body.
"Mel, I don't care if you guys got me anything. I just want to go back to bed. It took me so long to find those and I am extremely tired. So please move." Migas stated trying to push her brother out of the way. He once again blocked her.
"Mel, please move." Migas repeated again. He didn't budge. Instead he shook his head no.
"Okay, fine then." She sighed. Then next thing Mel knew his sister had picked him up by the arm pits and thrown him over her right shoulder. In her left hand was the blue berries that she refused to let him lose. As Mel began thrashing around Migas entered the cave. Before Mel knew it he was back on the floor in front of his sister inches away from the nest. She handed him the basket.
"Now, that wasn't so hard was it." She smiled as he took the basket back. Medusa went to talk to her but, was stopped when her daughters began laughing their heads off. As she slithered over to the nest Mel tried to run over to his sister.
"Look I didn't know what to get you and everything I tried to make caught on fire some h-" He was cut off.
"For the last time, I don't care. My birthday's just another day. Nothing special about it. Now, I'm gonna go to bed if there's no more distr-" She didn't even finish her last sentence before Medusa let out scream. The demons looked over to see her holding Scales, Fidi and Slither in her arms as far away from the nest as possible. Her eyes looked at the tiny creature in the nest hoping to turn it into stone.
Instead the little cat like creature just smiled at the big scary snake lady before going back to snuggling up in the nest. Surprisingly the creature had cat ears and a tail but, other than that was human. Or at least she looked human.
"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" Medusa asked making the tiny cat girl as well as Meliodas jump. Migas just looked at it once before walking over and picking it up. The thing looked like a three year old blonde human girl without the cat tail and ears.
"Beats me but, she's kinda cute." Migas smiled bouncing the toddler up and down making her laugh. Surprisingly she didn't even feel nervous around this kid. In fact she felt as if she was holding a tiny cat. Which she wasn't scared of breaking at all. The tiny girl was wearing a ripped brown dress that looked like it belonged to a commoner. It was obvious that she came here alone but, why. Migas set the girl on her bed.
"What's your name cutie?" Miga asked.
"Meow!" The little girl exclaimed raising her hands in the air as if she was cheering.
"Umm mm... Okay. So where are you're parents?" Migas asked. Instead of meowing again the little girl jumped up, grabbed her hand and lead her outside. Meliodas had followed them of course. He wasn't having his sister die on their birthday.
As soon as they reached the top of a hill close to the village Migas saw them. The little girl's parents. They were hanging from a of a contraption made out off wood by a rope around their necks. The mother had the same ears and tail a stone little girl. Meanwhile her hair and blue eyes definitely were from her father. Yet, the fact that they were hanging from a rope by their necks wasn't the unsettling part. Nope. It was that their body's were beginning to rot. In fact their body's were so rotten that crows had begun to eat to the mother's eyes. The little girl ran over yelling at the crows to leave. Migas just stood their with her brother for a single. Why would anyone do this?
"HEY! LEAVE HER ALONE!" Migas screamed running over to the crows. They all flew off at once as soon as Migas ran over. Yet, one left with the woman's right eye. Anyways the little girl looked at Migas for a single moment before pointing at her parents.
"Help." She stated.
"Y-you what me to help them down?" Migas asked. The little nodded with a smile. Finally she'd found someone to help her parents. Migas just froze. So, Mel did as his sister was asked. Her got up and untied the rope around the father's neck. He fell to the ground quickly making a loud thud. The little girl ran over to make sure he was okay. Yet, his body remained motionless.
"D-daddy?" She asked shaking her father. He didn't even flinch.
"D-daddy wake up." The little girl pleaded as tears came to her eyes. Migas felt her heart shatter. Meanwhile Mel had untied the mother who was still missing an eye. He saw the little girl shaking her father.
"D-daddy get up. Please." The girl pleaded. Mel walked over to go grab the kid but, Migas stopped him. She deserved another second with her father.
"D-daddy?" The little stated before sobbing over her father's corpse hoping he would wake up. Yet, he didn't. In fact he never would. Neither would her mother who was now being attacked by crows again. As Mel drove off the crow Migas picked the crying girl up.
"Let's go home Kitty." Migas stated a stone little girl sobbed into her chest as the crows left with her mom's other eye. Meliodas followed Migas back to the cave with the little girl in her arms.
~time skip~
Miga shad just gotten the little girl and Medusa's kids to go to sleep when she sat down on Meliodas's bed. Which he was laying in. Mel groaned a bit looking up at his little sister.
"I can't believe I'm saying this after what we just saw but, my birthday was awesome. Is that selfish?" Migas stated breathlessly remembering the corpses.
"What? Why would it be selfish?" Mel yawned.
"Cause we just saw a little girl cry over her dead parents who were hung. It shouldn't be a great day but, it was since I kinda celebrated it with you, Medusa and her kids."
"Well, what are we gonna do about the girl?"
"I already ran this by Medusa. Let her stay her. Otherwise she ends up like her parents. "
"She'll be fine then. I mean we're not that bad with kids. In the mean time go to sleep."
"Alright. Night Mel, happy birthday."
"Night Angel, happy birthday."

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