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It was a normal day in the cave. Medusa had just come home form hunting and was working on making chicken soup. Meanwhile Migas was watching the eggs while Meliodas had disappeared completely. He had mentioned going somewhere near by to Medusa but, also said that he'd be home by sun down.
With a sigh Migas looked out the cave to see Mel walking into the cave with a large chest. A chest filled with dresses that he took from a store. Okay, so he stole like three off them. The rest of the five dresses he bought. He put the chest on the ground. Migas sighed as he dugout a large puffy pink long sleeved dress.
"No." Migas stated looking back down at the eggs. Mel sighed. The large dress was what most rich girls were wearing in town that were her age. Well, 14 year olds. She was 2999. No human he had ever meet was that age.
"Well, how about this one?" Mel smiled holding up a baby blue dress with sleeves that went to about her elbows with ruffles on the end and around the end of the skirt. This one was less puffier than the last one.
"Maybe later but, not today." She sighed looking back down.
"Okay how about the green sleeve less one Migas." Medusa sighed looking at the light green dress with a gold belt on it. Migas shook her head no again. What was wrong with dresses? She never used to hate them before. Then again she never wore dresses ever before. Just robes or ripped clothing that her mom would give her. In fact the robe she was wearing now was one Hella gave her during the escape.
"Oh come on Angel. At least try on the next one." Mel smiled holding up a purple dress. With a sigh Migas got up and grabbed the dress out of his hands.
"If I go put this on outside will you leave me alone?" Migas asked. Meliodas nodded his head yes. With a large sigh she left the cave leaving Mel and Medusa in the room.
"You know I don't think she even knows how to put a dress on." Medusa stated as she continued to stir the food. Mel just looked at her like she was crazy.
"She did when she forced me to go to one of her friend's back in our old towns wedding." He stated. A wedding? Migas went to a social event? Then again she always used to talk about mortals and their strange habits of life.
"Does it look good?" Migas asked walking into the room. The purple dress had sleeves that went to her elbows, a long non puffy skirt to her knees, golden strings that were around her waist tightly making sure the dress fit, golden ribbons around the ends off her selves as well as frilly pieces of cloth. Her green eyes looked at her brother. Then Medusa.
"It looks amazing." Medusa smiled. Mel opened his mouth to say something only to by cut off by a loud
Crack! Everyone looked behind him. The eggs were beginning to crack. Medusa slithered over as quickly as possible just as Migas ran over to save their dinner. After saving dinner she joined Mel and Medusa around the eggs.
Crack! Crack! Crack!
The tiny green eggs were covered in tiny itty bitty cracks. It looked as if they were a widow that had just been hurt by a rock and was about to shatter. Then one of the eggs lost a piece on the top as a tiny green hand cake out of it. Soon that entire egg broke open revealing a little green baby with tiny snakes for hair. It's bright yellow eyes looked up at it mother. Then the tiny creature reached it's tiny, scaly, green, arms up. Medusa reached down and scooped him up almost instantly. He had the same tail as her.
"Oh my god. You're so perfect. My perfect little boy, Scales." Medusa smiled looking as if she was going to cry. He grabbed onto her finger and began playing with it. Then Medusa started crying as loudly as possible. As she did the next egg broke into thousands of little pieces revealing a little girl with a green tail, peach skin, light blue eyes and very tiny green snakes. She rubbed her little eyes.
"Such a little cutie pie." Meliodas smiled picking her up. Little Fidi snuggled into the demons warm chest. His heart beats were calming to her. Within seconds she was snoring while snuggling into her friends chest.
Finally the last egg hatched revealing a tiny peach skinned baby girl with a single yellow eyes like her mom while the other was blue. Her snakes were a very darker colour than her siblings. She began crying almost instantly. Her little tiny hands were waving a bit. Migas reached down and picked her up. Yet, she was almost completely stiff as soon as she went into her arms. Which made the tiny baby giggle for some reason. Probably because a 2999 year old girl was holding the child like if she moved the kid would die. Like it looked almost as if she wasn't breathing.

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