Zerkstar - Yandere mode

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A sudden scream interrupted me from my thoughts. Was that Simon or Vik? JJ's not here so one of those two is in trouble. The sound came from upstairs. I rush up the stairs, trying to help the one who screamed in immense pain. I didn't know exactly where the sound originated from. It must be on the first floor since I heard it from downstairs. The safest bet was to check Vik's room, the most obvious place to find at least one of the two, Since Simon's room is on the second floor.

I open the door swiftly, with no control, in a rush to help. But once I laid eyes on the room, I became frozen in my spot. I 'm just staring at the crimson liquid that's randomly sprayed across the room but managed to gather most of its contents on the floor, next to...Simon. The guy who just confused his love to me is now laying lifeless on the floor, his corpse void of colour, the crimson pond expanding as we speak. Believe it or not but I'm not mortified or scarred by this site. I mean, it wasn't the first corpse I've seen. In fact, I am rather, excited? I don't know the right word, but I know that I'm actually enjoying myself. Am I some extreme sadist, probably. Before I get too entranced by the corpse of one of my best friends, I decide to look at the rest of the room. And I saw him. Vik covers in splattered blood, holding the knife dripping in the same liquid that was on him and out of Simon, smiling like a maniac. Not like I can talk, but he's a psychopath. I can't let him know about the "odd sensations" I am currently experiencing.

"Vik, what the fuck!" I exclaimed acting furiously. That should work right.

"Hey Joshy, how's it going." He smiled effortlessly, actually sounding cheerful in that state. For most people, I guess he is scareingly cheerful, to me it's a turn on. Having covered in blood, actually being happy about it. It has this charm about it. Still, I can't be categorized to be like him. I worked hard to conceal my desires.

"Why are you so happy, you creeping me out!" I exclaimed in the same tone as before.

"Oh and you're not? I thought you out of all people would find this... invigorating. So do you?" Vik asked in a teasing manner. The hell. What does he mean by that. Does he know.

"Elaborate!" I demand, expressing my real shock.

"With pleasure darling," Vik responded seductively. Darling? I brushed it of as he continued, "I've known about your little secret for the longest of times. The way your eyes glisten when we play any game involving violence. The way you would conceal you smile when one of us is injured. It was obvious to me. But I fell on love with you for that. You see I'm the only one who will truly know you, I'm the one who is your perfect match. I accept you Josh. I embrace your "quirks". I am the one you should be with. So I couldn't stand Freya being with you so I introduced her to a friend more fitting. I couldn't just kill her off like that. Everyone else would be highly suspicious that it was one of us way too early. I wasn't planning on killing Simon either, but he just had to make a move on you. I just couldn't stand it. And now he's dead. The fact of the matter is that I love you and there is no one else in this world that would love you the way I do. And here's my proof." Vik explained. He really does seem unfazed that he just killed one of our best friends. He really is crazy. But he really does know everything, and I'm the one who turned him like this. I guess no point hiding my feelings now.

"Wow. I'm impressed that you could figure me out so easily. You even know my "preferences" in guys. Those who can smile while smothered in their victim's blood." I smiled at him, letting him know everything he speculated was right.

"Joshy. That means the world to me. Then again,any compliment you give me means the world to me. That's how much I love you." He confessed, with so much passion in his voice. I walk closer in as he makes his way to me, being careful about leaving footprints. Now we were just inches apart. I lift his chin up slightly to gain access to those kissesable bloody lips. Vik just tiptoes slighly, snaking his arms around my neck. I do the same but around his waist. We both lean in, crashing our lips firecly. I pull him in closer to me, desperate to close the space. I then lick his lips, tasting simon's blood in the process, asking permission to enter his mouth. He gladly grants my wish instantly. I use this opportunity to explore all the region's to his mouth and he does the same. Though it is clear that I'm the dominant one in this relationship. So in enough, we couldn't take it. We had to part to take in the oxygen we are now lacking in. We still held each other close, both of us panting, both of us smeered in the blood of our recently deceased friend, neither of us caring anymore.

"I love you, Joshy," Vik half whispered, still out of breath

"I do too, Vikky. Now let's get this cleaned up and try and get rid of all the evidence." I responded. Vik just nodded, still just living in the moment. Me and Vik are both psychos. Vik going full yandere mode and me enjoying it. We may be crazy; but we're crazy together.

A/N- I'm sorry this took so long to write. It was actually surprisingly difficult. Plus school work is really taking most of my life away. Nevertheless, I hoped you enjoyed. Like always just leave a comment for any requests you have so I can write them. Thank you for reading this and for all your support :)

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