Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Krystina's POV
"So, what exactly does this mean?" I ask the doctor writing on the papers attached to my folder.

"Well, you seem to remember everyday things-"

"Other than my name, age, where I'm from and the fact that I apparently tried to kill myself." I interrupt him and cross my arms. He sighs and closes the folder.

"Like I was saying, you can remember everyday things like, what your favorite color is or the fact that you hate math."

"It was a stupid question! Why would anyone want to know what 10 times 12 is?!" He laughs at me.

"Ok, back to what I was saying, we are going to do a few more test before you get sent to a better suited part of the hospital and get visitors."

"Wait!" I say before he speaks anymore. "Do I have visitors?" He smiles at me and nods. "How many?"

"You have four that are regulars, very rare that we didn't see them one day." I smile and nod.

"Do I know them?" The doctor laughs.

"Yes you know them. Question is if you remember them." He was about to walk away when I grab his hand.

"Are they here now?" He nods and I smile, "Well let's do these tests ASAP!" He laughs and walks out of the room. I sit up straight and rub my nose. I glance at my arm and see scars everywhere. Were these from my suicide attempt? I look at my other arm and see scars that look even worse than the other side. "My god." I slide my fingers over a very noticeable scar and flinch. It looks like it hurt. The doctor walks back in with two nurses.

"Now! For the tests. Ready?" I smile and nod.

"Let's do this Doctor Sexy Eyes." The nurses giggle and the doctor does something that is like a combination of a sigh and a laugh. Maybe I was funny. I get serious for a moment.

"You ok Krystina?" I look at the nurse to my right.

"What do I look like?" The nurses look at the doctor and he puts down whatever he was holding. "Can I look at myself?"

Aiden's POV
I wake up with a massive headache, what the hell. I open my eyes and see I'm in a hospital bed I try getting up but I can't. When I pull off the blanket I see I'm restrained.

"You fucking serious?" I sigh and hear a groan. I look to my right and see Hayden.

"Dude." He said in a hoarse voice. "What the fuck?" I shrug.

"Are you restrained?" Hayden looks over at me and laughs.

"Bondage much." I grab my pillow and throw it at him. He laughs and tries to get up. "The fuck?"

"Is 'fuck' the word of the day?" I ask sarcastically. He throws my pillow back at me and pulls the blanket off him proving he was restrained too, "Bondage much." I say mocking him. Just then a nurse walks in.

"You boys ok now?" Hayden groans.

"What do you mean now?" He says pulling at the restraints.

"You boys went crazy; we had to sedate you both. I believe that 3 guards are injured in some way and a nurse has a black eye."

A "Forget-Me-Not" Flower For An Amnesiac (Sequel to ICBILTDG)Where stories live. Discover now