Slender fingers cupped my face, wiping at the tear tracks. He leaned in, lips brushing against mine sweetly.

"You're not alone, I'm here," he assured. I nodded, flashing a small smile. "You're okay." He nodded with me before placing his head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around him entirely, pressing my lips into his hair.

We were alive, safe. Okay. "I love you, my sweet Sherlock."

"Would you like to go back to bed, or should we just get up now?" He asked quietly, fingertips tracing delicate patterns on my chest.

"I think we're due for another couple hours of sleep. We've gotten up most days this week, I think a lie-in is in order," I decided.

He slowly untangled himself from my arms, holding his hand out for me once he was standing. I chuckled at our mirrored positions from not an hour ago, but let him help me up nonetheless. He guided me back into our room, curling so that we were pressed close in the earliest rays of dawn.

"We've got all the time in the world now, okay? We don't have to have it all figured out now, we'll get back to normal eventually. But we'll get there together. I promise," he whispered.

I found myself smiling fondly, if not sadly, at him. I nodded slowly, pressing my lips to his nose. "Thank you, love. For everything."

I fell back asleep quickly, drinking in my husbands presence, his comfort. Unpredictable and safe, all at once. There was no better paradox than him.


"Are we ready to go?" I asked quietly, watching my husband from the door frame. Sherlock slipped his coat on, turning the collar up.

"I think so, yes," he said slowly, voice uncertain. I uncrossed my arms, patient as he grabbed a pin from the dresser. We'd given it to Olivia,a small 'thank you' gift for singing at our wedding. It was solid gold, an emerald music note shimmering in the middle of the pin.

Alice hadn't wanted to keep it, neither had Nneoma or Afiba. They all had so many reminders of her as it was, they didn't want this one too.

Sherlock hadn't wanted to throw it out, so he kept it, wearing it on his coat every time he wore it. Lately, it had been warm enough to not wear our coats, but today was different.

Today, we were going to visit Olivia's grave for the first time since her funeral. Alice hadn't wanted to go alone, and asked us to come along.

We were to be picking her up quite soon, but I didn't rush Sherlock as he pinned it to his coat. "Alright. Let's go," he sighed. I reached my hand out, taking it as we left into the cab waiting for us.

Alice was already waiting outside the shop, dressed plainly in black and navy blue. Sherlock slipped out of the cab, giving her a quick hug before she joined us in the cab.

The cabbie was quite chipper, attempting to make small talk of some sort. "So where are you all headed today?"

"To my girlfriends grave," Alice deadpanned, tone edging on angry. At least seemed to shut the cabbie up.

He dropped us off at the cemetery without another word, even throwing an apologetic glance at Alice when she got out. She didn't notice, staring into the cemetery as she waited. I paid the cabbie quickly, wishing him a good day as I stepped back onto the pavement.

Joining Sherlock and Alice, I stared up at the entrance gate as well, it's wrought iron rusting orange.

Alice breathed deeply for a moment, before stepping forward to push the gate open. It creaked as the waist-high gate swung back, letting us in. The three of us shuffled in, scanning the rows of graves for the glass one.

Marriage and Mental Illness (Sequel to Tall Buildings and Pill Bottles)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя