Wedding Planning

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AN: Hey guys! This chapter is a lot of time progression, it's pretty short and to the point. I apologize for that, but the time progression needed to happen! The next few chapters will be a lot of the same, and then we'll start getting into the longer chapters! Thank you so much for the reads, votes, and comments! Next chapter comes out next week!

John's POV

June 25th

It had been a few days since we'd talked to the press, answering questions for hours until they were finally satisfied. It was now in the early morning, Sherlock hadn't woken up yet, his breathing was steady and even. I couldn't stop looking at him, in absolute awe and fascination of him. I wondered if I would ever stop being fascinated by him, or if the happiness he always gave me would stop. By God, I hope not.

His bow-shaped lips were parted, warm air blowing through with every breath. His eyes were shut, his long black eyelashes brushing against his sharp cheekbones. A few of his onyx-colored curls were falling onto his peaceful face, the rest fanned out onto the pillow. One hand was outstretched towards me, the other curling into a loose fist.

And he was absolutely goddamn beautiful, he took my breath away, just looking at him. I watched him fondly for a while before he began to stir. "Morning, sweetheart," I whispered, propped up on one elbow.

He blinked, his eyes clouded with sleep. He smiled toothlessly when he registered me, a deep sound coming from the back of his throat. "Morning," his deep voice was throaty and gravely. He shifted so that his head was on my chest. "What time is it?" His face was pressed into me, muffling his speech. I rubbed his arms, massaging them gently. "Sometime after eight." I'd actually woken up over an hour ago but just lay in bed, watching him as he slept.

He groaned, turning his head so his cheek was pressed against me, "That's so early." I laughing, rolling my eyes. "Not really, Sherlock. We were going to decide on the venue today, weren't we, sweetie? And Mycroft is visiting later, remember?"

He sighed, still sleepy. "Yes, I remember. I suppose that means we have to get up though." His fists were curled around my shirt, his warm body pressing into mine. I chuckled, stroking his hair. "Yes, Sherlock it does, come on now," I could hear the fondness in my own voice, watching as his eyes softened at the sound of it.

He sighed once more before finally rolling away to get up. He pulled on his dressing robe as I stretched. Sherlock caught my hand, spinning me to him, kissing me mid-yawn. I broke away, laughing. "Alright, go pull up the venues on my laptop. I need a shower," I swatted him away playfully.

I showered quickly, before finding him sitting at the kitchen table, flipping through the online brochures. We'd narrowed it down to two venues a few days ago, but still hadn't quite come to a decision yet.

"So, abandoned the Victorian church, or an actual church?" I pulled up a chair beside him. We'd already decided on a smaller wedding, so either venue would serve our needs. It was more of a question of where we wanted it to be. "The Victorian church is quite beautiful," Sherlock mused.

He was flipping through the venues pictures, a hand flitting near his mouth. He had instantly been drawn to it, and I liked the venue too. "I like it too, Victorian Church it is." I rubbed his back with one hand, gazing at the pictures. A small smile cleared onto his face as he turned to me. He kissed me softly once, before pulling away. "I'll make the calls if you want to make breakfast."

I nodded, enjoying the fact that he was beginning to get more accustomed to regular meals. I hopped up to make breakfast while he talked on the phone. He still didn't like eating much on cases, but the time between each case was getting better. He was also beginning to get calmer between each case.

Marriage and Mental Illness (Sequel to Tall Buildings and Pill Bottles)Where stories live. Discover now