Chapter 16~The Moment Of Everything

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It was the day of the annual Forelander ball. I had never been to a ball before. It was strange how many people were going to attend and how all of these people made a huge deal out of going to the ball. The city of Skye itself was full of festivities. There was a parade that marched by in the streets near the castle of Skye, celebrating the queen of the Forelands and her rein over the realm. The air had a cheery feel to it as if every breath that every being took in this realm was full of laughter and happiness. On the contrary, i was feeling quite the opposite compared to all of the beings in the city of Skye.

I stood staring at the dress that a servant girl had brought in early in the morning. After the servant girl had left my rooms, i have been standing in front of the dress where i still am standing. The dress itself was sparkling. It was all black and had a white sash that went across it. I could deal with a little white. However, the entire dress was inlaid with sparkling silver looking diamonds that would shine in the chandeliers of the ballroom. How could i wear such a thing? I did not want to stand out. I was a shadow and i wanted to stay a shadow. I wanted to be able to disappear into the edges of the ballroom so that no one would see me. But apparently, the queen wanted everyone to be able to see me and who i was. I want to rip the dress apart into tiny glittering pieces that i would then throw out a window, watching the torn fabric drifting down to the ground on the breeze. I can picture the scene exactly in my mind.

I blink, then glance at the sun outside. It must be almost time for the ball to begin. I could already hear the doors of the castle of Skye being flooded with people coming to celebrate the ball. The ball itself was for midsummer. The Annual Midsummer Foreland Ball. The name brought a bitter taste into my mouth. I did not really want to go, at all. I would much rather hide in my room, not having to talk to anyone or keep up my act. I wanted to be able to close all of the light in my room out and bask in my shadows. It would be so glorious. But it would also not happen. I was going to the ball and that was the end of it, i could not talk myself out of it no matter how much i wanted to. I sigh deeply, letting my eyelids close for a sweet second.

Twenty minutes or so later, i stand in front of the mirror. My hair is twisted back from my face into some complex pattern that a servant girl did. The back is pinned up into a bun with little pieces purposely left out and curled, framing my face. Another servant girl had come in and done my makeup. There was kohl lining my eyes, creating the effect that my eyes were indeed blue and not like the black that they looked most of the time. The dress shimmered in the reflection of the mirror. The shoes that matched the dress were also black but with a white trim and were glittering with specks of silver diamonds. I sigh once again and turn away from the mirror, i did not want to see the dress anymore.

A guard was outside of my door when i opened it. He was wearing his official Forelander uniform. He was here to escort me to the ballroom. I was not allowed to go anywhere without an escort it seemed. However, i did not express any emotion. My face was a stone. An impenetrable stone that could never crack. Father would be proud of me. Although the pit of my stomach felt strange and i felt off. Was i nervous? No, i was not nervous. I had never been nervous in my life. It was probably just the sash on the dress. The servant must have tied it tightly enough as to barely allow me to breath.

When we near the grand ballroom, i hear music playing from inside. Good. I wanted to be late on purpose. It was always better to be late, than early, so that everyone had to wait on you to get there. When guards on either side of the door pulled the doors open, i saw the entirety of the ballroom. It was filled with people and the music was louder now. There were gowns of all colors and laughter filled every low beat of the music that floated throughout the room. I had never seen anything like it in my life.

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