Chapter 7

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Hello! Lets get straight to the point, they finally leave the motel and are on a plane. And don't worry nothing that bad will happen.
Steve: 5 months
Bucky: 4 months
Loki: 2 months & 6 weeks
Natasha: 2 months & 7 weeks
Jane: 4 months & 3 weeks
Pietro: 3 months
Charles: 4 months
Wanda: 3 months
It has been one month since we've last seen our beloved superheros, lets check up on them.

The Avengers are currently on a plane, they finally get to leave France and, are going to Russia, since the motel was burned down because of HYDRA agents looking for them. Everyone made it out safe, and only with minor burns. And just then all of a sudden the plane started to rumble really hard waking everyone up. "A wing caught on fire. An emergency plane is on the way, everyone out of your seats!" Fury shouted from the cockpit. Erik, Tony, T'Challa, Phil, Bruce, Thor, Sam, and Clint took their seatbelts off and went to the back of the jet to get the emergency backpacks, but Steve, Jane, Loki, Charles, Natasha, Pietro, Bucky, and Wanda couldn't get theirs off.

"Help!" They shouted. "The seatbelts are stuck!" Steve exclaimed as the others ran back to help them. Then the emergency plane pulled up next to them. They got the seatbelts off but the plane sunk so low that none of them could get on the other plane. They all jumped out of the broken plane and landed in the water, with a big splash, as the other plane flew away with Fury and some of the SHEILD agents. They all came up for air and saw an island about 100 yards away.

They were swimming for 10 minutes before they all made it to the island. Everyone was collapsing on the sandy beach exhausted from swimming. Tony and Bruce had caught their breath and were looking around the island. They went into the forest and came back about 15 minutes later with fruit and sticks. "At least you found some food." Natasha said rubbing her small baby bump. Everybody ate some fruit while Tony started a fire. "What are we going to do?" Steve asked putting a hand on his stomach. "We wait for Fury to rescue us I guess." Bruce sighed feeling defeated.

Everyone agreed with him and about an hour later they were all asleep, rocking inside some roughly made hammocks.

Bruce, Tony, Erik, Phil, Thor, Clint, T'Challa, and Sam all woke up about two hours later and quietly got out of the hammocks. "I heard a waterfall earlier I think we should go look for it." Bruce said starting the fire again. Everyone agreed with him and, they all went into the forest looking for the waterfall that he said he had heard. It took them 20 minutes but they found it. The veiw at night was just spectacular. There was a lake around a glowing waterfall, a small beach, a small hot tub looking thing, and plenty of fruit and fish for them to eat. "Lets get to work making some shelters." Tony said walking towards some straw. It took them almost until dawn to finish the shelters, but they were beautiful and nice looking too. They quickly went back to their sleeping partners before they woke up panicking about where they were.

They got in about 3 hours of sleep before Steve, Wanda, Pietro, Loki, Jane, Charles, Natasha, and Bucky woke them up to tell them something. "We found breakfast!" Jane exclamied getting a banana from a small stack of fruit. "We have somthing to show you guys later." Tony said biting into a mango. Steve gave him a confused look but ingnored it so he could finish his banana.
5 Hours later

"Where are we going?" Steve chuckled as Tony led him blindly through the forest. Erik, Charles, Bucky, T'Challa, Phil, Natasha, Jane, Thor, Sam, Wanda, Loki, Bruce, Pietro, and Clint were all doing the exact same thing as them. When they finally got to the shelters they removed their hands and the sight they saw was just beautiful.

There were six very nice looking shacks, three baskets of bananas, coconuts, mangos, and pineapples, they took rock's and built a small hot tub near the medium sized lake, and all together it was just the most beautiful site they had ever seen.

"It's beautiful." Steve whispers out. "Really? I mean it's not our best but it's the best we could do on short notice." Tony said looking at their work one last time. "How about I make us some small name tags so we know who's hut is who's." Natasha said walking over to a small patch of grass and left over hay. "I'll help you." Wanda said walking over to her. It took them 25 minutes to finish the name tags. They hung them up as the finishing touches to the small huts.

They all hung hung out in the lake for about an hour at most, they dried off using a steam geyser that they found behind the huts. They all went to bed and they were so tired they didn't even have a chance to say good night to any one.
Hope you guys liked this chappie, had a bit of writers block with it but I managed. That is all. P.S. the smut chapters are in the works my grandpa came over so I couldn't finish anything. Anyways, SYL.
~913 Words~

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