Cherik Smut pt. 1

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This should be fun! These are before they moved into the tower.
Dick Pics - Cherik

"No masturbating whilst I'm gone."

Charles looked up at Erik, a smile creeping over his face, before he realized that Erik wasn't joking.

"You're not serious, are you?" Charles asked, standing close to Erik with his kands resting on Erik's chest.

"Deadly serious" , Erik replied, holding Charles loosely around the waist. He tilted his head briefly, listening to an announcement over the airport intercom before turning back to look down at Charles.

"Oh, come on, Erik", Charles exclaimed, "I'm not going to see you for two whole weeks- you seriously expect me to... contain myself for all that time?"

Erik grinned widely, leaning closer to Charles to whisper in his ear: "Listen to me, Charles- from now on the only time I want you to come is as a direct result of my hands or mouth or cock, do you understand?"

Charles understood, and the thought of it was making him blush. He shifted closer to Erik, looking around nervously at the various people rushing through the airport lobby, hoping they weren't close enough to hear.

"This is really unfair..." Charles sulked, pouting and looking away from Erik.

Erik chuckled, reaching his hands to cup Charles' face, tilting it upwards so he could look into Charles' eyes.

"Well, what if I said I would make it worth your while?" Erik murmured. "What if I promised you that, if you were good and you did as I asked, then when I saw you again I would make you come so hard that you'd forget your own name, and only be able to moan mine?"

Charles bit his lip, staring up at Erik, feeling the blood pumping not only to his face but to his cock now too.

"Goddammit, Erik- look what you've done", Charles projected into Erik's mind with his telepathy, pressing his crotch into Erik's thigh pointedly. Erik only grinned wider in return- tracing his fingertips against Charles' jawline as he looked down at him.

"You're not off to a very good start, are you Charles?" Erik smirked.

There was a further announcement over the intercom, drawing Erik's attention away.

"Time for me to go", Erik said, leaning down to press a kiss to Charles' lips. It started off chaste- they were in a public place, after all- but Charles was already feeling all het up and he knew he wasn't going to see Erik for a while. It seemed only necessary then to deepen the kiss- holding onto the front of Erik's shirt as he slid his tongue into Erik's mouth. Erik responded intuitively to him- the two of them holding onto each other fiercely as their mouths moved together.

Charles' eyes were closed so he couldn't see if anyone was watching, but his mind was always open, and telepathically he got the distinct impression that there were more than a few people nearby who didn't approve of their public make-out session.

"People are watching us, Erik..."

"Let them watch, Charles- I'm sure it's a good show".

Charles smiled, mouth still hovering near Erik's for a while before moving away reluctantly.

"You're going to miss your flight", Charles said, gazing up at Erik breathlessly.

"Nonsense", Erik replied, "You know I can just hold the plane here with my powers".

"Oh, brilliant idea, Erik- causing an international incident just because you couldn't stop kissing me. I'm sure airport security will understand completely".

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