The Second Doctor

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The Second Doctor looks like Moe from the Three Stooges. I swear he does. He can also look like one of the Beatles.

Anyways,this Doctor is first doctor to ever be another incarnation,wear different clothes,and also be different person than the first doctor.

He is the official second incarnation of the Doctor. He can play the recorder and he can also try and trick other people(maybe).

He can also be a little bit like a father(but he's a grandfather,I'll do the First Doctor after this). He always was like a father to Jamie and Victoria. For Zoe,she was like him. She was smart and she also wanted to adventure like him. She could be his fricken twin or something like that.

Anyways,he can also be so passionate in his companions(except for Jamie,of course!) Before he regenerates,he kissed Zoe on the cheek because she was a great help to him.

The whole entire story has to do with him figuring out what to do with his new self and at the end of his second life,the Time-Lords exile him to Earth and they send his companions to their original place in time.

Quotes from the Second Doctor:

The Power of the Dalaks:

Polly: [inside the TARDIS, the Doctor is regenerating. Ben and Polly watch in amazement as the frail old man changes into a younger figure. Ben and Polly discuss the "new" Doctor lying on the floor of the TARDIS] His face, his hair. Look at it!
Ben: He's breathing, and the TARDIS seems to be normal.
Polly: Ben, what are we going to do? We can't just leave the Doctor there.
Ben: What, him? The Doctor?
Polly: Well that's who came through the doors - there was no one else outside. Ben, do you remember what he said in the tracking room? Something about "This old body of mine is wearing a bit thin".
Ben: So he gets himself a new one?

The Doctor: [the Doctor awakens and mutters to himself] Slower. Slower. Concentrate on one thing. One thing. It's over. Hmm, hmm, hmm. It's over.
Ben: Doctor?
The Doctor: [the Doctor turns and stumbles over the console. Mutters to himself] The muscles are still a bit tight.
Ben: What are we gonna do?
Polly: It is the Doctor. I know it is... - I think.

[The Doctor explains his regeneration.]
Ben: The Doctor always wore this. If you are him it should fit... That settles it!
The Doctor: I'd like to see a butterfly fit into a chrysalis case after it spreads its wings.
Polly: Then you did change."
The Doctor: Life depends on change, and renewal.
Ben: Oh, that's it, you've been renewed, have you?"
The Doctor: Renewed? Have I? That's it, I've been renewed. It's part of the TARDIS. Without it I couldn't survive.

The Doctor: Yes. When I say run, run like a rabbit. Run!

The Highlanders:
(Jamie comes in this one...YAY!)

[The Doctor is pretending to be a German doctor.]
The Doctor: You suffer from headaches?
Perkins: No, I don't
[The Doctor bangs his head on the table.]
The Doctor: Oh, dear. No headaches?
Perkins: Well... that...
[The Doctor bangs his head on the table again.]
The Doctor: Oh, dear. You call me a liar?

The Tomb of the Cybermen:

The Doctor: You look very nice in that dress, Victoria.
Victoria: Thank you. Don't you think it's a bit...
The Doctor: A bit short? Oh, I shouldn't worry about that. Look at Jamie's.
Jamie: [offended] Hey, I'll have you know that- [looks at his kilt] Oh, aye.

The Doctor: Are you happy with us, Victoria?
Victoria: Yes, I am. At least, I would be if my father were here.
The Doctor: Yes, I know, I know.
Victoria: I wonder what he would have thought if he could see me now.
The Doctor: You miss him very much, don't you?
Victoria: It's only when I close my eyes. I can still see him standing there, before those horrible Dalek creatures came to the house. He was a very kind man, I shall never forget him. Never.
The Doctor: No, of course you won't. But, you know, the memory of him won't always be a sad one.
Victoria: I think it will. You can't understand, being so ancient.
The Doctor: Eh?
Victoria: I mean old.
The Doctor: Oh.
Victoria: You probably can't remember your family.
The Doctor: Oh yes, I can when I want to. And that's the point, really. I have to really want to, to bring them back in front of my eyes. The rest of the time they... they sleep in my mind and I forget. And so will you. Oh yes, you will. You'll find there's so much else to think about. To remember. Our lives are different to anybody else's. That's the exciting thing! There's nobody in the universe can do what we're doing.
(That's the-what I call-The Father Doctor.)

The Abominable Snowmen:
[The Doctor and Jamie are faced with an inactive Yeti.]
Jamie: Have you thought up some clever plan, Doctor?
The Doctor: Yes, Jamie, I believe I have.
Jamie: What are you going to do?
The Doctor: Bung a rock at it.

The Wheel in Space:

The Doctor: Logic, my dear Zoe, merely enables one to be wrong with authority.
The Doctor: I suppose you've come for me?
Cyberman 1: You know our ways.
The Doctor: Yes, I hoped you realised somebody did. I imagine you have orders to destroy me?
Cyberman 1: Yes.
The Doctor: Tell me one thing, why did you order Duggan to destroy radio communication with the Earth? After all, that is why you want possession of the wheel, isn't it?
Cyberman 1: You know our ways.
The Doctor: That doesn't answer my question.
Cyberman 2: He was instructed to destroy only the transmitting complex.
The Doctor: Oh, I see, how interesting, yes, of course. And presumably your large space-ship holds your invasion fleet, and the smaller ships can only enter the planet's atmosphere by homing on a radio beam.
Cyberman 1: You know our ways. You must be destroyed.
The Doctor: Yes, I was afraid you'd get back to that.

The War Games:

The Doctor: The Time Lords are an immensely civilised race. We can control our own environment - we can live forever, barring accidents and we have the secret of space/time travel.

Time Lord: There is no escape, Doctor. Return the TARDIS to our home planet.
The Doctor Why can't you leave me alone?!

Time Lord: You have changed your appearance before. You will do it again; that is part of the sentence.
The Doctor: You can't just change what I look like without consulting me!
Time Lord: You will have the opportunity to choose your appearance.
The Doctor: Oh, then it won't be so bad. But I warn you, I'm very particular.
Time Lord: Here is your first choice.
[A man with a big bushy beard appears on the screen]
The Doctor: He's too old! [Looks at the other coices] Well, he's too fat, isn't he? No, he's too thin! That one's too young! Oh now, that won't do at all, it's ridiculous!
Time Lord: You're wasting time, Doctor.
The Doctor: Well, it's not my fault, is it? Is this the best you can do? I've never seen such an incredible bunch!
Time Lord: Since you refuse to take the decision, the decision will be taken for you.
The Doctor: No, no, no, I never said that! But I maintain I have the right to decide what I look like! It could be very important on the Earth. People on Earth attach a very great deal of importance- [Disappears]

The Doctor: Is this some sort of joke? No, I refuse to be treated in- What are you doing? NO!!!! Stop! You're making me giddy! No, you can't do this to me! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! (fading)

This is the Second Doctor. Love him! He could be like...a fan of the Beatles.

Next up:The First Doctor

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