hermiones creature house

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I shut the door quickly and turned to find terry looking at me expectantly so i bowed as i normally would and soon after straightened because he nodded so i walked towards him and feed him his five ferrets " their you go terry you magnificent creature" i said subconsciously .

After leaving the hippogriff habitat i grabbed some of the dead chickens dobby put in my bag and went into Patrick's habitat wand raised . Gently putting the chickens down on the ground with my eyes shut in case he got out of his tunnel i called for him and i felt something brush my side " why hello patrick did you get out of your tunnel" i said smirking at the tail that wrapped around my hand and a big swallowing noise .

" oh well looks like im going to have to put you back in there" i muttered with my eyes still shut while i held a chicken in my hand, feeling around with my hands i eventually found the tunnel door. " ah i feel the broken latch did you break it patrick?" I say finding the latch and magically fixing it and making stronger " haem sasheay" yeah he broke it trying to get food.

" im sorry for being late but i promise ill give you an extra chicken tomorrow night okay?" I said before throwing the chiken into the tunnel and feeling patrick the basilisk go past me into the tunnel to get it. After patrick was in i shut the door and put all ten latches back on as i opened my eyes," well next time ill need to bring that potion so i dont need to worry about dying to look at him" i reasoned walking out of the tunnels habitat which patrick resides in. 

" ive feed the chimaeras, the Golden snidgets,  the grindy lows and all i have to feed now are the graphorns, the thunderbird,Demiguise and the doxys oh how i hate those things! Why did we save them hermione?" Jo have stated half asked when I'd picked up some meat for the dragons " well my motto is to help those in need and the doxys are quite nice to me i dont understand why they hate you? Anyway must i remind you that they were being killed by death eaters for fun! I mean how would you like it if they wanted to kill you for fun and you couldnt do anything about it!" I lectured while i grabbed the beef steak for the  Hungarian horntail.

" alright i see your point good luck with that Hungarian horntail by the way" jo said walking into the thunderbirds habitat " oh the time i wish jack and trent were here" i mumbled walking into the horntails habitat and finding him in the woodsy part of his habitat. " why hello there dean " i said walking to the center of the room and watched as he flew over to me, he tried to burn me with his fire but it didnt work because of the saftey spells i put on before i walked in " now i know your angry because i forgot to feed you earlier but thats no way to treat me" i growled at him .

I could tell he was sorry by the look on his face " here you go two pieces of beef steak" i said chucking the meat in the air and watching as he playfull flew up to eat them , " i guess ill ses you tomorrow then dean" i said taking one last lookat him   before walking over the the small grassy field where jorja was " hello jorja i thought id feed dean first in case he decided to bite my head off but i didnt forget you" i said when i was withing arms distance of her lying down figure. I put the meat in front of her carefully and gasped when she mkved her wing to reveal a beautiful baby dragon " aww jorja i didnt even notice! Congratulations oh your going to be such a good mother" i cooed kneeling down in front of her to see her smilling face "may i see if its a girl?" I asked jorja looking at her in the eye and waiting untill she finnaly nodded.

I then slowing walked around to the baby dragon lying next to jorja and examined it like a vet would an animal " its a boy!" I said turning to see jorjas face . She mustve been watching me as i handled her baby, " oh i wonder what you will name it" i said stepping back to admire the mother and son picture . Jorja and i were really close since i helped her escape the dragon fighting ring in hungary last summer , she would let me stroke her and lean against her and in turn she would get her claws cleaned and her horns would be washed along with her body.

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