Tape two

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Welcome to the second tape Tana Mongeau we used to be best friends untill you did what you did.. it started when Mrs. Frizzle called us into her office back when she still worked there it was a shame she left to go to another school she was really good at her job. She called me and you Tana because we just moved to this school she wanted us to be friends she introduced us to each other and we became instant best friends we hung out with each other everyday at Kylie's pop up shop and we would order the hot chocolate but just like hot chocolate our friendship only last for the winter. After meeting at Kylie's everyday we then saw Sam Pepper and invited him over together we became instant best friends. Sam would always come with his crazy drinks! And we would have such a good time until sam stopped coming.. then you stopped coming too Tana I was all alone. I then went to your YouTube channel one day and saw a video "STORY TIME ON HOW MY LOSER FRIEND KISSED MY BOYFRIEND" I knew instantly that it was about me who even started that rumor and why I can't believe you would do anything like that Tana why Tana WHYY!!!! You then texted me to come to Kylie's one day and we met u came up to me and slapped me and said THATS FOR KISSING SAM! And left so here Tana you remain as my second tape.

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