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I was still so shocked at my mothers Death but my new priority is to protect my little brother.And with these monsters.
Having a war it was hard to keep someone safe and guarantee that they will be..

I made a promise to my mother that I'd return the favour.. Now all I can think about it that grey wolf saying that Carma would come get us.. He was right and thats what's wrong.

Were constantly on the run from the war but the battle field is inescapable.Everywhere we go were in constant Danger from them sick creatures down in the field.Playing there little game.Well I've had enough of them were trying to get to a safe part, a new forest, so me were away from all this sorrow.

It was the next morning and I looked beside me to wake Oscar Up, but Oscar wasn't there.. I began to worry there were no paw prints just a big trail. As if he'd been dragged away..

I followed the trail to a near by road were I see a men Holding Oscar hostage!
I try to get him out but before I know it they had already left with Oscar!

I chased the men as long as my legs would carry me for until.

They shot me.
I later there unconscious for an hour I think.When I woke up the fury inside me came out I ran up the highway to chase the hideous beasts...

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