An Act of Love

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I was losing my mind. I felt like I was locked away in solitary confinement and hadn't seen the sun in days. I felt malnourished, deprived, alone. I needed someone. But no one was there.

Determined not to let my frustrations and sorrows get the best of me, I told myself that today of all days I would focus. Today was Opening Night. Everything had to be perfect. Whatever was going on in the real world would no longer matter once that curtain rose. And though I wouldn't actually be acting on the stage, I would disappear in my own mind of directing.

I still hadn't quite recovered from the whole Brandon vs Mars chapter, especially when Brandon left me with that cryptic message. I had told him that he couldn't love me and hate me at the same time. He said that he could. What did that mean? That he loved me? That he hated me? I wanted- no, needed answers, but knowing I wouldn't get them tonight frustrated me even more.

Everyone who was in the play was excused from their sixth period early in order to get ready for the show. The theater and classroom was a-buzz with people flitting from place to place like humming birds and running around doing last minute costume checks or simply applying their stage makeup. I didn't see Brandon, and I didn't see Mars either. My shoulder devil was happy and was hoping they had a cheesy battle to the death so I wouldn't have to deal with them anymore, but my shoulder angel was concerned and hoped they were both alright.

Brandon finally arrived about twenty minutes before curtain call, and I stormed over to him angrily, ready to give him a piece of my mind. "Where the hell have you been?" I shouted angrily, shoving him. "You're late!"

"I'm here now aren't I?" he snapped back.

"Being here isn't good enough Brandon. You have to be present. You have to be early! You have to be"-

"Then find someone esle to do your stupid show," he growled, turning away from me.

"You're not going anywhere," I said simply.

He laughed sarcastically, turning back to face me. "Oh really? And why wouldn't I?"

Not able to hold his gaze I stared at the clipboard in my hands. "Because while you might get a kick out of walking out on me I know you're not about to walk out on everyone else. Get to your dressing room. Makeup is waiting." he was silent for a moment, but I wouldn't have given him a chance to say anything anyway. Keeping my eyes down I walked past him, willing the tears not to fall, not tonight.

The light were dimmed, the stage was set, the audience hushed, and the curtain rose. The show had begun. For a while everything disappeared the way it always did when I put on a show. Everyone was immersed in the story, everthing was forgotten. I watched Brandon from the side, unable to hide my awe at his preformance, despite the pain he was causing me. He really was good. He delivered his lines naturally and seemed surprsingly comfortable up on that stage.

Act one flew by amazingly, and once the curtain fell for intermission, everyone was once again bustling about to prepare for Act 2. I left the theater to get some water bottles for the actors, and almost tripped when a little kid ran right into my legs.

"Whoa be careful watch where you're-" I looked down, smiling brightly when I realized who it was. "Lizbeth? Oh my gosh it's so good to see you!" I dropped the water bottles and picked her up in a hug, swinging her around. She smiled and cooed and touched my hair, only stroking it instead of pulling it this time.

"Lizbeth! Elizabeth!? Where- Lyah! Oh Lyah how have you been, sweetheart!?" Brandon's mom called as she came around and engulfed me in a hug.

"Audra hi! I've been okay, I guess. You two enjoying the show so far?"

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