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I walked back into the house, waving at Brandon and shouting at him to get home safe. When I turned around my dad was facing me expectantly, a conflicted look on his face. I could see he was still angry, but I could also see he was sorry. I crossed my arms, discreetly glancing at the clock above his head and hoping this wouldn't take too long.

"He's gone now?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes he's gone. So you could put away your pitchforks and torches and save them for next time." I resisted the urge to smirk, thinking about the Shrek reference Brandon had made earlier.

"Look I didn't mean for things to get so out of line. I just don't trust that boy. I know he's hiding some"--

"Look Dad, save me the good girl verses bad boy lecture, okay? I know what you're gonna say, I know how you feel, and hopefully by now, you know how I feel. Can't we just let it go?"

He crossed his arms. "Don't get sassy with me, young lady."

"I don't know how else to get to you, Dad! I've been talking and talking but you're not listening! You might as well plug your ears and sing la-la-la when I mention Brandon!"

"I don't know what kind of guilt-trip that boy's put you on, but you don't owe him a damn"--

I sighed, suddenly exhausted. "I'm tired, Dad. Can we just drop it? For now? Please? Lets put our fangs away for tonight and then go at each other's throats tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay baby," he said giving me a small smile. He held out his arms and I shuffled in to him, letting him hug out our temporary truce. I once again caught sight of the clock and struggled out of my dad's smuggling embrace.

"Okay. Love you, too. Going to bed now."

"Goodnight baby," he called as I ran up the stairs.

"Night!" I called back down. As I ran down the upstairs hall I bumped into Kolden who caught and steadied me with one hand, while holding his suitcase in the other.

"Whoa. Easy there beaver. By the way stay out of my room. I'll know if you've been in there."

I scrunched up my nose. "What do you possibly have in your room that I would want?"

"Uh besides my Kylie Jenner lipkit?"

"Ew! You have that? I thought you hated makeup....and the Kartrashians."

"I do. But that shit works. Besides it's not for me. So stay out." he pushed past me and hurried down the stairs.

"Is it for your super cute and super gay boyfriend you're in denial of having?"

"Goodbye!" he shouted, already halfway out the door.

I waited until I heard the door slam and the car drive off to send Brandon the text. My phone buzzed a second later, and I climbed to the window to see him standing by a tree in my yard, looking up at me like a brooding Romeo. My heart was pounding so loudly I could hear it in my ears and feel reverberating throughout my body. I was so nervous. I had never done anything like this, though it looked pretty easy in the movies. Only this was real life, and I knew I'd be in so much trouble if I got caught.

My dad had gone with Kolden to the hour drive to his school, so that left me and my mom...and Brandon, if we were successful. I flashed him the signal with the flashlight app on my phone, and he began climbing the tree.

I looked around at all the neighboring houses, hoping everyone was too preoccupied with their own personal business to look over and see a strange figure climbing up the tree to the Whitmoore home. Once he reached the top I slid the window open more, and he climbed in, rubbing his goosebump adorned arms up and down. "Geez what took you so long, it's freezing out"-

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