Chapter 33

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I walk behind the curtain, looking at the floor.

"Ready?" Ashley asks.

"Uh. . . Do we have a choice?" I say.

"Lemme think," she says with a sarcastic tone. "No."

We make our way around the thing, and the first word that comes to mind is: what?

"Ashley? What is this?" I say.

"Well," she starts. "It's a dog!" Ashley yells.

"You made a dog?" Jake asks.

"I made something out of scrap metal. Why can't I make that something a dog?" She remarks.

Jake holds up his hands in surrender. "Hey! It would have been better if it was a dragon, and you named it Festus!"

I raise my eyebrow. "You wanted her to name it 'happy the dragon'?"

"What? I said Festus. F-E-S-"

"Festus means happy in Latin," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Oh. Well excuse me for not knowing Latin," he says.

"Come on," Ashley says quickly, she presses a lot of buttons, and the dog springs to life.

"Come FESTUS!" She says, mockingly.

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