Chapter 14

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The monster, it looms over me. It's breath smells bad. It's mouths have foam, and it's pretty nasty. I hear her yelling.

"Bella!" Ashley calls.

I fumble with my pockets, looking for it. I think where I would have put it.

"Zeus, please." I pray. "Just let me find it." I reach in my jean pocket, the shock frightens and excites me.

"Thanks. Thanks so much." The lighting bolt. Poo. I have no idea how to use it. I see a tiny little sky blue button. I press it. The 3 inch bolt, grows to full size, then turns into a boss, lighting sword. I slash at the monster, jabbing the tip of my weapon into his chest. He pauses, then in a second, he is nothing but a puff of dust.

Ashley comes running from the place we had dinner to me, with a flaming bow.

"Bella!" She yells.

"Ashley!" I scream. I getup off my knees, to my feet. I have a searing pain in my left calf, I limp over to Ashley.

"What about your ring?" Is all I could manage.

Ashley looks at me as if the answer is obvious. "I threw it out, then stepped on it." She answers.

"Why?" I ask.

"I don't anything from Hera. Plus I got this sweet bow." She holds up the bow so I can get a clear view. "What's that?" She says guesting to my sword.

"My 3 inch bolt." I reply.

"Oh." She says.

"I don't feel good." I look at my calf and see the blood pouring from it. I slowly fall to my knees, into a pool of my own blood.

Bella Young Daughter Of ZeusOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz