Chapter 1

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There I was just sitting, eating pizza on her bed, where am I, I think. I see a girl. "Bells, remember that time we both ate an entire pizza?" I look at her, she has rust coloured hair it's tied into a bun, she's wearing a pink shirt with a logo on it, and black sweatpants. "What are you talking about? I don't know you." She looks at me now. "What? Bells is this a joke! Oh my gosh! Your acting! I knew you should have gotten the lead in the school play, and not Rose. Oh, I just! She ruined flowers for me, I don't even wear rose scented perfume! That's how much I hate her!" She talked really fast. Why am I friends with someone crazy? "Ok, what's your name?" I ask. She starts laughing like a manic. "Really? Did you hit your head or something? Do you need ice?" I wonder who she is, why did she call me Bells. "Well, my name is Ashley, but you call me Ash, your name is Bella, but I call you Bells, because we're best friends." I look into her eyes, she looks hurt. "Ash, who am I?" I ask, "I mean I now that I'm 'Bells' now, but what's my favourite colour? Who's my mom, my dad?" She looks worried. "Your mom," she starts, "um, is gone." She looks down at her feet. "You mean she's on like a trip?" I ask. "No." I understand as soon as she said it. "She's... Dead, isn't she Ash?" She looks like she's about to start crying. "Yes.." She mumbles. "Well, that's what they think. Your mom had you and then left, no one knows where she is." I want to cry know. "Ash?" I ask. "Yes, Bells?" I don't know how to say this after hearing about my mom. "Dad?" She looks more hope full know. "He works at the hardware shop down the street. But the weird thing was my dad is gone." That is weird. "Ok, so..." I stop in the middle of my sentence. I blinding light come down from the roof. It's in the shape of a person. She lands in front of the bed. She has dark hair, tan skin, and oddly wearing a Greek dress. "I am Hera, queen of the Gods. Bella Young, you have been chosen by Apollo the God of music, poetry, to lead the quest to regain your memory. Ashley Oz, you will accompany her on her journey. Bella being daughter of Zeus I give you a lighting bolt." Hera hands me an item that looks and feels like a lighting blot. "Ashley, daughter of Hephaestus, I give you this," Hera hands her a ring. "If you tap the gem it transforms into a flaming sword." Ash and I look at each other. "Wow." We say in unison.

"Wait." I say. "If my dad is Zeus, then who's this guy Ash told me about?" Hera sighs as if this were all obvious. "Uh! Duh! It's so simple! Zeus didn't want you to know until you were 16, so he sent that guy to be your dad!" I stare at her "Oh." Ashley tries to smile at Hera. "So, um, Hera? I wanted to ask you something." Hera replies with a 'does that mean I'm smarter them you' look. "Yes, Ms. Oz?" Ashley winces. "About my dad." Hera gives in. "Ok. I threw him of Olympus! I changed the myth so, it sounded like Zeus was the bad guy, and no me!" Ashley smiles. "Thanks. Oh! Bloger-tunity!" Hera looks like she's gonna hurt Ash. "NO!! YOU CAN'T TELL ANY ONE! NO ONE MUST FIND THE GODS, NO ONE!" She yells. "Ok. Never mind." I crack a smile, so does Ashley. Maybe we are best friends.

"Ugg!" Ashley yells this pack is so heavy. "It has all the stuff one the list from Hera. Just not the Dragon eyes." I say. "Where are we gonna get DRAGON EYES in NEW YORK!" Ashley moans. "I don't know from the 'Downtown Demi-God Depot.' I wish" I say jokingly. "I know, and I thought getting the bat claw was gonna be hard!" Ash laughs. "Come on maybe we can find Half Blood hardware!" We walk the streets laughing at our bad jokes. "Who knew Demi-God shopping was so much fun?" I say. "No one!" Ashley replies.

Bella Young Daughter Of ZeusWhere stories live. Discover now