Part 12 Kazuki

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“When I first started to stalk-“ He abruptly coughed into his hand, “When I first started following Kazuki. It was already two years after his father died. That means he had already been raised by his mother for two years. It was already evident that as Kazuki was now he wouldn’t survive.

The conditions were not bad in a literal sense. He was well clothed and they gave him enough food to get him by. But what they completely abstained from giving him was any warmth.

He lived in a lavish mansion, bigger than an entire block. Yet not a single person within it would even take the time to speak to the poor boy. I must admit oftentimes I almost abandoned my job and tried to comfort him.”

Ayla drank some of the coffee; her attention focused enough on Zachariah that she did not even taste it anymore, “What’s the point of ‘following’ Kazuki then?”

Zachariah looked at her, his eyes widen in shock, “Well of course there is a point. He was living. For some reason that cult like organization had not killed that boy. They had killed most of the others, the only males that were allowed to live were ones who pledged their undying love and loyalty to one of them. Even then it was rare for them to accept.

Your boyfriend however did not make any such agreement. The members of the cult were furious the entire time he lived in that building. No one told them why that boy was still living.

If by learning why that boy was still alive, revealed a fatal weakness about that organization, then my job would have been completed all the faster.”

Ayla digested all that information, although it wasn’t much it still was hard to chew. “Wait Kazuki’s father died four years ago? He told me-“

“He told you that his father died, He didn’t tell you when he died. Troublesome thing about people who don’t tell lies, they are usually the most adept at hiding the truth. Your boyfriend all the more.”

Zachariah emptied his cup in one quick drink, taking the time to order another. “I did find out eventually what happened. Though for some reason it feels like my information is incomplete. I originally thought the reason Kazuki wasn’t killed was because the main head honcho general leader person was his mother. I mean Biological mother. There may have been an emotional reason why she’s keeping him alive.  

She proved me wrong when I saw her publicly execute another male in front of Kazuki to keep him in line. No mother who actually cared for her child would put them through that.”

The story felt detached from her. Almost as if it could not be real, Ayla merely tilted her head and asked, “Then why?”

 At this point I think it’s safe to say it’s for the Assets. That red haired devil used some rich blokes money to build up her cult- empire- organization- whatever you want to call it. Though she didn’t realize how dependent they were on the money till after they killed Kazuki’s father, the former rich bloke.”

“Why would they do that if they were relying on his money?”

He smiled the same way one would at a child, “The man finally got around to writing a will. So they didn’t need to keep him alive to access his money.”

Ayla looked more confused, “But you just said they needed Kazuki for the money.”

“They do. Kazuki’s father may have been rich. But he was not stupid. After he realized what the women he loved was planning to do. He made a slight change to the article. He left the entirety of his fortune to lil ol’ Kazuki. So they could not access the money without his permission.”

Ayla sighed. That just sounds wrong, “If Kazuki's father knew what was going to happen, why did he make a will in the first place?”

“A promise.”

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