Part 1 Meeting

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Why must you do this?” The knight asked his lord.

The Duke looked away, not meeting the knights eyes, “Because I must.”

The rain hid the streets from view. The lights of the passing cars creating walls of light skirting past. She was cold and wet, yet her tears remained dry. She needed some time alone.

She took a left turn at bird street, making her way to the nearby park. At least there she could think things over in peace, without people forcing her to make a decision. She couldn't handle the stress the world had been placing on her over the last few weeks. The divorce of her parents and the feud between them. Whom she would live with, and what job she should she seek in her future.

It was to much for her to handle.

The wind blew her back, making her trek forward all the harder.

She made her way over to a great willow tree overlooking a small pond. It was a hidden place, surrounded by bushes and far from the pathway, so few people knew of it. That place was her unique haven and no one breached upon it.

The tree hooked gently at the ground, making it a comfortable place to rest against. The view of pond in clear weather was so beautiful that she often forgot herself and spent hours on end just watching.

Though today of all days, her haven was breached.

A boy rested his back against her tree, His dark brown hair completely drenched from the rain. He was sleeping peacefully in her spot, using his coat as a blanket.

He looked like a painting of an angel.

The girl sat next to him, letting the old willow support her.

The boy whipped his head to face her. Quickly moving back from the tree. The jacket sliding of him onto the ground. He wore a expression of panic. His clothes were torn at the knees, and covered with dirt. His serious expression softened when he saw her. He leaned casually down to pick up his jacket.

He nodded acknowledgment of her, sitting back against the tree.

The downpour of rain lessened, and stopped. The light of the setting sun breaking through the clouds, reflecting on the water before them.

“Isn't it beautiful, “ She said to the boy.

He looked at the water, glistening a vibrant red.


They sat there in silence, just watching the light of the day fade.

“You know,” She said, “I thought I was the only person who knew about this spot.”

“That still might be true,” He replied, “I only came here on accident. I don't know where this is.”

“Are you lost, “ The girl asked.

The boy nodded, “In more ways than one.”

“Do you need help?”

“Sometimes its better to be lost.”

She gave him a puzzled expression, “Why?”

He lightly smiled, “If I am lost I have a chance to be found. If I am already found, then I have no chance to be.”

“That makes no sense.”

“Neither does coming here in the middle of a storm. Don't you need to return home? Little girl.”

She glared at him, “How do you know I'm not older than you?”

“No reason.”

“I'm fourteen.”

“So am I. When were you born?”

“July 23rd.”

The boy started to laugh, “So was I.”

The girl pouted, “Then I'm the same age as you.”

“Seems so.”

“Why are you here, “ She asked.

“Questions like those should be saved for people who are actually friends.”

“Fine then, How do we become friends?”

He looked off into the distance, “I don't know. I never had one.”

This time it was her turn to laugh, “Your fourteen and never had a friend. What did you do at school?”

“I didn't.”


“I didn't go to school.”

“Are you poor?”

“Even if I was poor, I would still be able to go. I have more viable reasons then that.”

“Like what?” She asked.

“You seem to ask a lot of questions. Most of which can only be answered to-”

“Friends?” She interrupted.

He smirked, “Yeah.”

She stood up, pointing at him, “Okay then this is how its going to work. We will be friends.”

“That’s impossible.”

She started to get mad, “Why? am I not good enough for you?”

“We don't even know each others names, how do you expect us to be friends.”

That meaningless anger evaporated, “Oh...”

She held out her hand, “I'm Ayla. You are?”

He shook it, “Kazuki.”

Now we can be friends right?” Ayla asked.

He smiled, “Yeah.”

“Will you tell me now?”


“Whats the problem this time.”

“Its late. You should head home. Your family is probably worried.”

“What about you? Don't you need to head home?”

“I have my reasons.”

She was about to head back, but quickly turned to face him. “You better be here tomorrow. You have to tell me the reasons behind you being In my spot.”

“Fine, fine.” Kazuki smirked, “I'll be here.”

Ye old WillowWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt