Calem turned back towards the reinforcements racing towards Paul's group. Hilda, N, and Solidad had already made it there, knocking back the seemingly endless wave of guards and mutts.

"Come on Calem! Give it another go!" May yelled, obviously frustrated. Calem saw Glaceon take a hit from a mutated Flareon, Flygon, and Zubat.

The mutts were plentiful now. A couple dozen filling the sky, earth and even underground. They were attacking furiously. Everyone had their full team out, fighting as hard as they could.

This was why training their Pokemon to be able to attack by themselves was useful. The trainers were fighting, hand to hand combat as long as shooting and other forms of fighting as well. This was an all out war.

Fires raged and thunderous strikes filled the air, flying moves, physical moves, it didn't matter. It was a war zone. Everything was out of control, and Calem, couldn't do anything to stop it.

Swords were slicing, guns were firing, arrows were sinking in bodies...carnage. That's all it was. Carnage.

Calem groaned as he scanned the holographic plane for traps and other strategically placed hindrances Zelo's team had already placed.

"May! Draw them into the forests! There are enough traps to keep them at bay for a while, I need you to draw towards the west, careful where you put your feet. Watch for Ariados's webs!" Calem said quickly, already firing up some of the shut down traps. Harley had let Calem borrow Ariados to help make the triggers for all the traps Zelo had set, and new, nasty ones he set as well.

The group fell back, quickly disappearing into the undergrowth, even nursing wounds and injuries.

"Keep silent, when I say go, run, all out sprint towards me. That should draw enough attention towards us," Calem ordered, his fingers tapping furiously in the background. He watched with fascinated horror as the mutts got closer and closer to where the agents were running.

When the mutts seemed to overtake May's team, he finally gave the signal. "Go!"

May ran next to Drew, making sure he wouldn't fall over, and Misty and Gary were helping Ash. Marina was up ahead, looking for the webs that would trigger the traps.

Calem nodded in satisfaction as one mutt ran straight into a sticky web, a Vine Whip getting stuck. As the mutt tried to retreat, it yanked the web, and suddenly there were fire balls raining down, incinerating all of the mutts with a couple square meters.

Misty, Gary and Ash barley made it past a trap before another mutt activated it, razor sharp knives shooting out of the trees, slicing most of the mutts cleanly in half.

An enemy guard was caught in the middle, a double-edged spear cutting him in half.

Calem winced at the gruesome sight.

Calem saw most of his traps activate, killing more than half of the mutts, leaving the agents in a relatively good position. This was good progress.


The high-pitched yell radiated fear.


"Wait! Fire I'm coming! Feu! S and H! Go! Hurry up!" Leaf shouted, his cam swinging wildly as he ran towards Dawn. Calem could see through Dawn's camera, which was splattered with blood and who knows what else. "Tropius! Leaf Storm! Take it out! Take it out!"

A Gastly face, Butterfree wings, Pansage arms, and the body of an Escavalier filled the screen, and Calem heard Dawn shriek once, before blond hair was in the camera and Serena was ordering Sylveon and Pancham to attack the horrible thing.

The Eevee SistersOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant