At a concert you would...

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Concerts are amazing, nothing compares to them but what would most likely happen to you at a concert?...
At a concert you would...

Aries: Lose your voice after the first 20 minutes

Taurus: Catch the guitar pick, water bottle or some random object that is thrown into the crowd

Gemini: Find out your phone storage is full after taking one photo

Cancer: Wave your arms out of time or the wrong way compared to everyone else

Leo: Get acknowledged by the band as a member will point or wink at you and make your life complete

Virgo: Wear or buy as much band merchandise as possible

Libra: Cry the entire time

Scorpio: Start a Mosh Pit but fail... you'd probably make people really pissed off

Sagittarius: Scream or Shout really loudly when everyone else is quiet and listening during a slow or sad song

Capricorn: Pass Out from disbelief, love and exhaustion

Aquarius: Get carried over the barrier so you are so close to your idols yet so far as you can't touch them

Pisces: Throw an article of clothing at the stage... I'll leave you to guess what

How many concerts have you guys been to and who have you seen live? XD

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