Private Chat

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Anu Bieber😍
So, what happened? Did you guys make up? Or is this a bad time because you guys are getting it on and I should just shut up and let you guys fuck in peace?

Gia Kohli😛
Anu, that certainly did not happen.

Anu Bieber😍
Did it not go well then?

Gia Kohli😛
I didn't speak to him.

Anu Bieber😍
Okay, so go speak to him now! Go, Gia go!

Gia Kohli😛
I went to his house, Anu.

Anu Bieber😍
And you didn't speak to him? I don't understand. Wtf was he not there?

Gia Kohli😛
Oh he was there all right, with Priya.

Anu Bieber😍
Then tell her to GTFO! Man up, Gia!😤

Gia Kohli😛
They had sex, Anu.

Anu Bieber😍
Oh fuck me.
You're joking, please tell me you are.
If this is a joke, it's not funny!

Gia Kohli😛
At this point, I wish I was.
Was it that difficult to not have sex for a week? I never knew he was this kind of a person, thank God I knew before we had done something serious.

Anu Bieber😍
Gia, you're okay?

Gia Kohli😛
No, Anu. I thought he was my one and only, you know? He is a goddamn player, is what he is. I can't believe he actually did that to me.

Anu Bieber😍
Sweetie, I'm booking a flight.

Gia Kohli😛
I think I'll go visit papa and mama and sulk there😭

Anu Bieber😍
I'll book it for Calcutta then. Did you talk to Aryan?

Gia Kohli😛
First thing I did was call Aryan, he was angry af. I begged him not to book a flight right away.

Anu Bieber😍
You love him, baby.

Gia Kohli😛
I know😔

Anu Bieber😍
We're going to do everything we can to cheer you up, do you get me? Justin, Aryan and I are coming to Calcutta as soon as possible, okay? I don't want to see you sad!

Gia Kohli😛
Yeah, cool.

Anu Bieber😍
Okay babe, take care and don't drink too much!

Gia Kohli😛
Got it!

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