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I woke up to see Paris foot in my face. I scrunched up my face and got up. I went to go throw some clothes on and do my morning routine. I left letting Paris sleep and went to CJ room to see him not in there. I rolled my eyes and went to Chris room. I opened the door to see a sleeping Chris and a sleeping CJ next to him. They were facing each other and it was so cute. I walked over to pick him up. I pulled my shirt up and rubbed my nipple on CJ lips instantly waking him up as he started to eat. I grabbed a baby blanket throwing it over him and went downstairs. I cut the tv on and sat on the couch. I put the blanket down to see CJ brown eyes staring at me. I smiled while I held his hand with my finger. I soon heard footsteps to see Chris yawning and walking over to me. He bent down and kissed CJ forehead then mines. He went in the kitchen and all I heard were noises.

"Chrissy!" Paris yelled

I laughed as Chris ran up the steps. Him soon coming back downstairs with a half awake Paris in his arms. He sat her on the couch and went back in the kitchen. I smiled and continued watching tv.


As I laid in bed watching Miracle get dressed in front of me, I mentally cursed. I had a beautiful woman at home while I was naked in some bitch bed. I was knocked out my thoughts when Miracle climbed on top of me. I smiled as I watch her kiss me from my neck to my friend. Putting all of me in her mouth. I gripped her hair as my phone dinged. I ignored it as it rung and rung afterwards. I soon felt her slid me inside her as I sat back and watched her do her magic. What India don't know won't hurt her.


I been trying to get in contact with August but of course he's not answering. Chris walked over to me with a plate in his hand.

"For the lady" he said.

"Thanks" I said.

My phone dinged and I look to see a message from Tiffany.

Im coming over rn, be ready- tiff

I smiled because I haven't seen her in a couple months. Chris sat down on the floor with the kids and I just stared. Chris was a good father. I got up and started to tidy up the house. After I did that I went upstairs to get ready soon coming back downstairs. The doorbell rang and I opened it to see Tiffany and King. I picked him up kissing all over his face as he laugh. Tiffany was smiling at us but then looking behind me. I turned around to see Chris with Cj in his arms. She looked at me with a look and sat down. I sat down next to her and she whispered to me.

"Are y'all back together?" She asked with a look on her face.

"No we're not" I said.

She smirked and got up taking  Cj out Chris arms. I laughed as Paris and King played. Chris soon came back over to me kissed my cheek and Cj and told me he be back. Soon as he left Tiffany turned to me.

"Bitch you can't lie to me, y'all either fucking or still got feelings" she said.

I put my head down and looked at her.

" I think I still have feelings for him and August is not acting right and it is just pushing me right into his arms.

"August acting up?" She asked.

"Yes! He's never here, he says he working but I think he's seeing someone else" I said starting to tear up.

"You can either talk to him or find out" she said shaking her head.

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