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1 year later...


I was in the living room waiting for everyone to come downstairs.

"AUGUST!" I yelled.

"WHAT?!" He yelled back.

"Bring the kids down so we can go"I said.

"Alright" He said back.

Soon August came downstairs with Paris who is 3, Cj who is 1. I was serious when I said when Cj is two I will let August get me pregnant. The night he tried to get me pregnant he must of forgot I was on birth control. He was so pissed. He still upset but he's pretty okay now since Cj will be two next year. Aug handed me Cj while he put on Paris jacket.We were going out to the Aquarium but we have to get Chris first. Chris has been great and he's only worrying about Roy, Cj, Paris and me. He's always staying out of trouble and focusing on the big things. Roy and Paris are being pre-homeschooled so when they turn 6 they'll be smart as ever and ahead. Cj is at home with the nanny who is Mama Sheila. Everything works out. Every Thursday is date night with Chris, Roy, and CJ. Then Friday is just me, Paris and Aug but he's been busy a lot so sometimes its us or it's just me and Paris. Then weekdays are family days which is all of us together. Date night with Chris and the babies is tomorrow. But when I'm with them its daddy daughter day. Paris and Aug. Chris has not been looking for anybody. Me and August are still engaged because we called the wedding off because August was acting strange never really found out but he never wanted to talk about the wedding and he didn't want anyone to know. Along that I had 2 pregnancy scares and 3 females who tried to come to me about August cheating or they were pregnant which was all fake. It's been crazy but it's okay now. We just pulled up at Chris house. Chris came out with a sleeping Roy in his arms. I got out and grabbed my baby from him and he bent down to kiss my cheek. We walked to the car and got Auggie pup and took him in his house so the dog babysitter can watch him and his dogs. We all were in our family truck which was a black escalade. The kids were in the back while I was sitting in the middle with my feet on him while Chris was in the passenger side and big T was in the driver seat as he drove. We finally pulled up a hour later and got out the other body guards were in another escalade In back of us. We got out and headed in Chris was carrying Cj, I was carrying Roy and Aug had Paris on his back. We got our wrist bands and started walking around. We went to the shark tank first and put the girls down. They went to go tap on the tank and a baby shark came up to them. We then went up the stairs to the top of the tank to go touch them. They were having fun but Cj didn't like the big ones. Next was the Sting Rays and everyone had fun with that. We went everywhere and last was the Dolphin show. They did tricks and splashed people we all had fun. We was on our way to the food court. August phone rung.

"Helluh?" August said answering his phone.


"I can't really come right now I with the fam" I heard him say.


"Maybe tomorrow" August said.


"Are you fucking serious?" He said sighing.


"Fine! I'm on my way" August said annoyed.

We all was looking at him.

"Babe?"He said.

"Just go I'll see you when we come home or you come home" I said irritated.

"Love you"

He said kissing my cheek then Paris. Big T left with him since that's his personal bodyguard. I rolled my eyes then turned around. Chris look down at me and pulled me in a hug.

"It's okay India you still got me and the kiddies" Chris said.

He said smiling I giggled and he kissed my forehead. We continued walking to the food court we got our food and sat down and ate.


I pulled up at the studio and got out and went in. I walked in the room to see my niggas and a couples girls I sat next to this brown skin girl who was on her phone. She looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and went into the booth. I did my part and the girl stared at me the whole time biting her lip. I chuckled and finished up. I went back to siting on the couch and a couple blunts and drinks later all of us was fucked up. I sent Big T home and ole girl started feeling on me.

"Uuhhh... excuse you I have a wife" I said.

I said removing her hand from my chest.

"What your wife won't know won't hurt her" the chick said.

Then she gripped my dick after that I don't know how we ended up in the bathroom. I had her against the wall and she was kissing on my neck. She tried to kiss my lips but I pushed her face. She got on her knees and did her thing.

"Damn India" I said with my eyes closed.

I then sobered up and pushed her off me hard. I ain't bust my nut but I don't give a fuck I just cheated. Something I never thought I would do.

"Get the fuck up and get the fuck out your banned from coming on this fucking property!"I said.

"Fucking asshole!"She yelled at me.

She got up and fixed herself then smirked my way.

"The name is Miracle" she said.

"The name is get the fuck out!" I yelled.

She got out and I splashed cold water on my face. India will kill me if she found out. I fixed myself and got out the bathroom and to my car. I looked to see a piece of paper in my windshield

"Call me if you need me baby... ???-???-???? Xoxo"

I ripped it up and threw it on the ground got in my car and pulled off. I drove home and I seen they were back considering it was late. I walked in the house hoping to see food but Chris laying straight ,sleep with India on top of him sleep and the girls was on pillows and blankets on the floor with Frozen on the tv. I Shook my head and went to go wake them up.

"What August?" she said annoyed.

"Get up and go to our bed" I said to her.

She got up and grabbed Paris and Roy and took them upstairs. I left Chris ass. I went upstairs to our room to see The dogs taking up my spot.
I pushed them over to India and went to sleep.

This fucked me up...

First chapter of the sequel how was it? WARNING this book is nothing but drama.

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