Chapter 17: Once in a lifetime

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I just want to thank all of the comments I got on the last chapter, I know I say this a lot but anyway they really made me smile and all! So thank you very very very ( insert IOI's song) much ^^ <3

(side node: anyone watching  produce 101 season 2?)

Also the video I put for the chapter is the one from Junsun and his sister YooA, I really love this chore0 and if I have the courage I'm going to learn it ^^ Anyway 1M really has great choreographers!


"They want you to become an Idol"

I stare at Chen blankly for a minute, slowly processing what he just told me.

"A-An idol?" I stutter.

He chuckles a little "Yeah an idol. SM wants to train you for a year or so and then make you debut in their new girl group. You obviously already have the dance skill, so all there is left needed is either singing or rap, and other idols skills such as modeling and how to act in front of a camera"

I nod slowly, taking the information one by one to understand it fully.

"Sooooooo, that means I'll be an official idol for like many years? That I'll be under the spotlight and all?" I ask skeptical.

Jongdae nods, almost sadly "Yeah indeed, and everything that comes with it. It's both amazing and very hard."

I think for a little moment "That means no public dating either I guess" I glance at him.

He nods and I know I was right.

I take a deep breath "I can't tell you yes or no like this, I need time to think" I say.

I get up because right now all I want to do is go back to Kasper.

"Wait! Didn't you come here because you had a problem? With Kasper?" My friends asks.

I smile a little "Not anymore, I think we got a bigger problem right now" I say and leave the dorm, waving goodbye to Suho on my way out. 

I'm afraid this might ruin my couple....

I arrive back home and it's already the middle of the night but as soon as I get inside the apartment I see light in the living room and Kasper comes and greets me.

"Where were you?" He asks, half angry and half worried.

I don't reply and take off my coat and put my slippers on.

He follows me as I move around

"Malia! What happened?!" He questions and I can sense he's more and more worried and also frustrated.

I hesitate, for a few seconds then turn around.

"They want me to be an idol." I blurt out

He looks at me, dumbfounded.


I bite my lower lip "SM entertainment. They told Chen they want me to become an idol" 

"Wait you were with Chen?" He suddenly asks.

I sigh desperately "Yes I was with Chen, I was looking for advice"

He closes up a bit "I tell you about my worry about you and Jongdae being close and what did you do once you got our for air, you went to find him" He states bitterly.

"Taewoo! Please! We are just friends! I need you to trust me!"

He doesn't reply anything.

And I lose it.

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